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Posts posted by maitken

  1. Few questions: Can you make it so on tree gnome village it doesn't do the world hop thing that results in permaban?
    For the Grand Tree, is it meant to safespot the Demon? Because it doesn't, didn't for me at least. (maybe this was because I was in rapid mode?)
    How is the walking from place to place done? I swear it clicks on the same tile every time? I noticed that after doing priest in peril when ever leaving the temple heading down the tunnel entrance it would walk to the side of the temple, afk for 15 seconds then click on the tunnel and continue.
    Is it possible to give multiple options for different webwalkers if thats how it is done?

  2. 1 hour ago, UncleHard said:

    Did all f2p quests using a few anti ban measures, no breaks, 3 hours after the quests no ban.

    Before I'd get banned during use, or immediately after.

    Tomorrow will give more of a definite answer.

    Did you get banned during tree gnome village? Pretty sure the world hop thing it does in an instant ban. Not sure though, it was before this script broke though.

  3. Why can range not be used in priest in peril? My accounts normally have 1 in each melee stat then some range and magic levels. Obviously you can't use magic as the dog is immune to it but why not range?

  4. Mine stopped during animal magnetism, was just after the part where i got the 2 undead chickens, it couldn't withdraw the items it wanted from the bank for some reason, pretty sure it was after the 5 iron bars. I kept doing a bit then starting the script again and it couldn't do any of the magnet part, once i gave the magnet to ava it started to work again.
    Also watching it at the GE, it looks so bot like. Types in the full name of item games necklace(8) for example, I'm not sure but does anyone ever actually put the (8) on? And when it sits there and waits for an item to buy, then the exact second it does it carries on is also pretty bot like.
    Was banned a few hours after use, This was the only script I had used in a few days.
    I feel bad asking because I know this just came back on but is it possible to get a refund? Cheers

  5. Only got to use this script once. 
    And reading the author hasn't been on in over 6 weeks?
    How to we apply for a refund? $20 to expensive for a couple of quests.

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