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Posts posted by dsstriker

  1. On 12/10/2019 at 5:44 PM, Czar said:

    Activated trials good luck guys, there is a big update coming for repair mode, stay tuned ^^ :D 

    Can I retrial when you release this update please, current repair mode required constant baby watching and resting to really use.

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  2. 8 hours ago, Czar said:

    Will add some updates for banking mode to chop more logs, will need to make sure there is an axe present. Also what if the trees have been chopped down completely, and you have no logs? Should I make it automatically leave the game since there is no viable action left to do? Also, it shouldn't be wasting all the logs that quickly, an inventory of 20 logs should be fine, can you confirm your settings so I can investigate and add an update for you ASAP. :D

    -Yes immedently leave if it runs out of logs and can't cut.

    -Also if you become to inactive it needs to leave currently it continues to repair.

    -Also if it enters with below "set players" for it to leave had 2 games where we only got in with 3 players lol

    was using wc 5 logs then repair 10 times before woodcutting more, though it might be my settings default seems to run more stable unless it has to compete with someone else cutting trees.

    Though the main issue I see is it needs to repair over the threshold you're wanting to go to.

    -Healing at 30% for example will go wc 1 tree then have to run back and repair, repairing 2-3 times before leaving to woodcut should secure more trees and help keep active during games, as the excess running drains a lot of energy causing you to eventually be to low to get to repair.

    But default repair settings have been working fine for me.

    And using bank for logs run good only issue I had was getting stuck on brawlers.

    But from watching it for around a two hours that's all iv noticed for the repair side that need improvements.

    Else it's a decent script.

    Thank you for the trial.

  3. 2 hours ago, Czar said:

    Activated trials good luck guys, let me know if you have any more suggestions/errors so I can add more updates ^^ :D

    Repair mod, needs a little work

    Not sure if just my set up, but when it runs low on logs and there isn't anymore to cut it runs to the boat and afks.


    -Don't seperate the banking and woodcutting for logs option, instead a option of say bank when below "number of logs" default 10.

    -And a option that can disable banking for logs.

    -instead of repair when below threshold, use repair between % When it starts, when it does it'll repair till 100% then woodcut logs When only 1 portal alive it will just repair to stay above 30-50% intervals.

    • Like 1
  4. Please add a afk option, 
    the ability to set a chance of afk, for example.
    chance rate of afking after a completed step.
    32% it'll randomly pause for a random time limit, player option 1second-2mins. could pic 34 seconds 435 milliseconds for example.

    also for wilderness agility area please add a option to log out when any white dot comes onto the screen or hop.

    and it always turns the camera, doesn't have to always change the camera angle.
    also make it missclick, there's plenty of times doing agility i'll get the area slightly off and have to adjust, always clicking the spot exactly isn't human.

  5. you don't even need to check the algorithm, just sit and open 3 bots, run them and watch the mouse patterns and movements the shit is just so bot like, i'll see the patterns repeat of be exactly the same at times multiple times.

    if osbot had half a brain i feel like they're really hitting a low point,
    they'd implement miss clicking, random wait timers not this 100% max efficiency, over shooting, few other things.

    as for ban rates i just have to assume its the mouse movements and patterns.
    the more common the location the more detected.
    afk skills being the most unbanned due to minimal mouse use.

  6. iv stopped using bots because they're to easily detected lol..
    like this guy has stated is all true.
    mouse movements are to unhuman, for example some time i'll click just off the side and have to click again to properly click smaller targets, but scripts never miss lol..
    there's so many minor things to be added to make things less bot obvious.
    random pauses for one, you have non stop max xp rates very few players, play that heavily for long amounts of time.

    if botting it to regain it self, it needs to take a huge leap in human behavior. 

  7. 35 minutes ago, AsBakedAsCake said:

    In the mean time - do you think it's smart for me to continue to sell through PayPal being my only way of payment?

    I'm currently holding 250m+ gold and I'd like to get rid of it.

    Thx for the reply btw.

    (The reason I ask this is because Probemas is very reputable, it makes me question why they would already stop using PayPal if nothing has happened yet.)

    50c a mill.

  8. shift clicking update is working great, But can you add, trapping support.
    would work with ardy knight and master farmer in ardy and when you trap it click under it every 3-4mins to make it move to stop it from despawning.
    would allow for insane xp rates and picking per hour. 
    and if possible close doors behind you when banking
    deposit all and restock 

    • Like 1
  9. that hold shit to set tiles doesn't work.
    makes ardy knights hard because some times it goes into the thiving path to allow it to move.
    that needs to be fixed or custom the ardy knights for the house or bank.

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