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Posts posted by lolder1345

  1. Ban lifted must have been 2 days unsurprisingly didnt lose any exp or items.

    If you were to bot again after getting a ban I'd at least play legit for a month or two then bot but only really conservatively this seems to work out fine for most people. Alternatively you can play it safer by waiting a year for the ban to expire from what I hear a 2 day ban is a get out of jail for free card and once it expires you're back to 0 and unless you 24/7 suicide you're unlikely to get a perma ban without warning after an expired ban.

    I'm personally not going to bother botting anymore only did it because who the fuck could actually afk castle wars for 1000+ hours guess I'll have to manually go for 57 herb and 85 smithing now tho :(

  2. Update: still banned so most likely got a 2 day ban and somehow jagex found a way to not communicate that properly

    not sure if the banned msg said "Your account will be available again in 1 day" and then later changed to less than 1 day would be nice if they at least added a ban/mute duration in the offence info or just titled the msg "gratz on your X-day ban"

  3. I was wondering the same thing, yesterday I got a 1 day ban (at least 1 day as far as I can tell it's been over 24 hours now)

    While refreshing the account status page one time it showed me some extra text above "Banned: Your account will be available again in less than 1 day, or earlier if you submit a successful offence appeal.". It said something along the lines of "your account is temp banned the next one will be permanent" which would suggest it's always a permaban after a temp but I havent seen the odd text since.

    Does anyone know why I got a 1 day ban instead of 2? I have a theory of my own might be far fetched though. Clearly they didn't take all of my previous botting into account because for 5 months I've afk botted castle wars 9+ hours a day, last week I got 1-99 construction, 61 mining and 85 firemaking. On may 2nd I did 5-6 hours of smithing in varrock west and then 2 more hours of herblore at the GE, the herblore was at 2am EU time so it was past midnight in the UK as well. On my Offence info it says Offence date 03-May-1018, technically speaking the only botting I've done on may 3rd was the herblore.

    Do we know how jagex reviews logs for flagged bot accounts before they ban them? Did the system catch me doing herblore and automatically send them the logs for only may 3rd in the ticket it made for my account? How many tiers are there to bans I know Bot Busting Moderate tends to be 2 days and macro major perma but I recon they split bot busting into 1 or 2 days depending on how many hours they caught you botting.

  4. Had the same issue this morning seemed to be SSL related not DDOS.

    Today's IT lesson: make sure to add a calendar event for renewing the SSL certs before they expire.

  5. I'm new to botting decided to try out afking castle wars I've let it run over night plenty of times and I'm at over 1k tickets now.

    I guess detecting afk bots in castle wars is harder than normal gold/skill bots? What I usually do is use the bot to keep me logged in in case I forget to click once every 5 minutes but I do click and type stuff myself occasionally, I also do all of my skilling myself and did all f2p quests aside from the new one. Tried it on a new level 3 for shits n giggles and it got permabanned after just a couple of hours(I did have it on defend mode instead of afk which might have given it away).

    Something else I've wondered about is if they can tell which client you're running, maybe playing legit on the osbot client helps throw them off too?

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