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Posts posted by pooploop123

  1. great script but if im on kill tan it wont pick up coins from the bank first and it will kill cows and get a full inventory of cowhide. it says  "we should check bank for coins!" and it will go to the bank and put away one cowhide and walks back to the cow pen instead of withdrawing coins first and it will keep repeating. there are no errors. i have food in the inventory and a weapon

  2. On 8/14/2023 at 7:10 AM, Khaleesi said:

    Depending the way you create and bot the accounts depends if you get banned or not, there is a ton of different ways.
    Since you are getting banned 100% you are doing something wrong, the script would not be on the SDN getting sold if it gets you banned 100% of the time... 

    Just wondering how do you recommend to create the accounts? Proxies/virtual machines/sandbox? Love your scripts btw.

  3. sorry about that i selected tan but it doesnt get coins from the bank

    it walked to lumby east after a bag of cowhide it stops script because it ran out of coins which it never got from the bank at the start

    [INFO][02/16 01:01:36 PM]: Loaded 3 RS accounts!
    [INFO][02/16 01:01:36 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.6.61!
    [INFO][02/16 01:01:38 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 211!
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:38 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:38 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters...
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:43 PM]: Injected bot reference into client!
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:44 PM]: Injected world accessors!
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:44 PM]: Injected 38 class and 347 field accessors!
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:01:44 PM]: Injected canvas!
    [DEBUG][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:03 PM]: Loading RS world : 176
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:04 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules...
    [INFO][02/16 01:02:04 PM]: Started bot #1
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:05 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:08 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:13 PM]: Successfully logged in, waiting for welcome screen.
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:38 PM]: Login completion failed.
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:38 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:38 PM]: Scheduling script background executors
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:45 PM]: Loaded Data folder @ C:\Users\Administrator\OSBot\Data\Progamerz AIO Cows\Configs
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:45 PM]: Starting items: []
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:45 PM]: Started: InventoryObserver
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:49 PM]: [DEBUG] Left-click where available is already enabled.
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:49 PM]: Settings{status='We should setup zoom!', shouldStop=false, waitForLoot=false, lootTile=[x=0, y=0, z=0], lootMyKills=true, lastNpc=null, lootItems=[Cowhide], hideType=Soft leather, buryBones=false, bonesAmount=0, foodName='Shrimps', foodAmount=0, eatFoodForLoot=false, foodPerc=44, finishedInitialSetup=false, weDied=false, gravePos=null, startingEquipment=[], trainingItems=false, lootAmmo=false, ammoName='', currentCow=Lumbridge east, mode=Kill tan, camera=q.NuL@46a145ba, killChickens=false, currentChicken=Lumbridge east, cbLevelChickens=3, styleSwitchingEnabled=true, taskList=[{ Equip:Mithril scimitar }], checkBankForItems=true, ignoreEquipTasksNotInInv=false, stopWhenNoTask=false}
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:49 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:52 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:52 PM]: Scheduling script background executors
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:53 PM]: [EquipTask] Open closest bank
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:55 PM]: [EquipTask] Withdraw Mithril scimitar
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:56 PM]: [EquipTask] Equip Mithril scimitar
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: [EquipTask] Successfully equipped Mithril scimitar
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: [EquipTask] New equipment [Mithril scimitar]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: [TaskHandler] Done Equipment task: Mithril scimitar
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: Error in script executor!
    java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
        at java.util.ArrayList.rangeCheck(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.ArrayList.get(Unknown Source)
        at h.coN.E(w:5)
        at script.Main.onLoop(ja:4)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(jf:86)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: [TaskHandler] Finished All Tasks, we should continue!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/16 01:02:58 PM]: 10

    also spams 10 in logger while attacking

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