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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Brozu

  1. y in the fuck are u doing 2 accs/proxy lol

    thats dumb

    if u lose 1 acc ur gonna lose both mate

    Been running 6 accounts for about 3 weeks no ban i figure its pretty good right now. 


    Any more i set up will be 1-1 ratio as ive been reading up on it more. too late to change now though\



    Anyways thanks for the replies guys!

  2. So im running 2 accounts per proxy I have,


    Just wondering if the only way to set them all up with different proxies is to open a new client, put in proxy details and have 2 bots per client?




    Laz, is there anyway you can revert drill demon back to the .45 version?> I've been running it flawlessly for the past few days. I only encounter bugs if i switch to a newer version (.47,.48)


    brozu, im pretty sure the reason for all the updates to randoms that seem to keep ending up flawed are because of an update that changed the way random events start relative to your character in game. I believe that Jagex changed the way ncps face you or address you in general. Making there no use in using .45's way of doing the drill, as the client can't recognize that you've recieved the drill event.


    Like I said, this is what I believe and am pretty sure is correct. I could be wrong, please someone correct me if I am but, with all these updates recently I've collected bits and pieces of what's going on.


    I don't believe that is the case because i'm running .45 almost flawlessly, yet every time i try a new one i get stuck in it again.


    In any case, hopefully it gets fixed soon.

  4. Laz, is there anyway you can revert drill demon back to the .45 version?> I've been running it flawlessly for the past few days. I only encounter bugs if i switch to a newer version (.47,.48)

  5. I've already made the transition to the competitor and canceled my VIP. It's pretty sad how little quality scripts there are here, but my main concern is the fact that the client is just horrible. The final straw for me was the lack of random support/fixing for the past 11 days or so.

    I dont know what you've been using, but the competitor has terrible random support. 


    I've yet to be stuck in a random here and ive been 20/7 4 accounts for the past 2 months.

  6. Hey Peter, 


    I'm learning java as well.


    I also have trouble with the brackets and i find streamlining the code so its all nice and orderly helps with that issue a bit.


    The IDE that i use is eclipse and if i select all my text and use ctr+shift+f it tidies up my code nicely.



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