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Posts posted by Allen

  1. Seems to struggle a fair amount with finding hosts and paying them again, after the first run it'll sit there stuck on updating signature, if you manually then try to fix the issue by trading a host, the bot trades the host 1gp continually until I have to rectify the situation.

  2. Some comments would be nice ^^


    That's something I meant by "Another project in itself is documenting the client", so it is something I'll get to. I have commented a few parts of the client, the clientscript instructions(a lot but not all) & some parts of animation. But yes I agree, it could definitely use more commenting I'll work on that smile.png

  3. Hello everyone! 



    For the past few months I've been working on this project to refactor all or a majority of the OSRS client and I've decided to make it a dedicated project for this semester. 

    GitHub: https://github.com/kinztechcom/OSRS-Refactored



    Another project in itself is documenting the client so that people who look over it can more easily understand what's going on. I've started on the wiki pages of the github and hope to have a variety of pages that describe the different parts of the client.




    Feel free to contribute to this project. That doesn't just include submitting code, if you realize I've gone wrong somewhere please let me know! I'm open to all criticism because this is a learning process for me as well.



    I've given credit in the comments where I could, even if I didn't know the author. 



    What revision is this client? 60

    Does this work with the live game? No

    Could this be configured to load for a private server? Most definitely



    • Like 2
  4. Make sure you get the Pro if you are to get one, the regular surfaces only run microsoft apps which is a dead store.

    The Pro 3 is actually not expensive if you get the i3. The price rises when you get into i5 or i7 as well as larger storage space(believe it goes as low as 64gb and up to 256gb or 512gb).


    I have a Pro 1 not a Pro 2, and I really enjoy it. The only thing I wish it had was a large screen which the Pro 3 offers. 

    Make sure you get the real keyboard and not the touch one, that thing gets old really fast.


    If I were to personally get a new surface pro, I'd get the pro 3 i5 128gb.

    • Like 1
  5. Well I am also wondering if it is detectable. As I stated in my recent post I was banned a day after coming back from a break of osrs. I played legit but on the osrs client for the first day then the next I was banned. So im also assuming that when you membership is renewed your account is watched extensively.

    Did you bot before your break?

  6. I don't think they detect the client itself. Instead I think they use individual actions to determine if you're botting or not. A majority of accounts banned are fresh ones, which are the easiest to detect imo. If we look at it from their perspective(or what I would do personally), they most likely flag you for certain things. They released in a post the average online time for the top 5 players which all averaged at 13 hours. If youre freshly made account logs in, does no quest, and goes directly to botting a single skill for >3-4 hours its like red alarms going off for Jagex. Or if you bot any single skill > average amount of hours, you're flagged. 
    All this^ is just my opinion though, for all we know the client is detectable. The reason I think most of this is because we have those people who say "I've been botting for weeks and havent been banned." Yes it could be a delayed ban, but why weeks vs days?



    Here's an example:

    hey, i botted wood cutting for literaly only 2 hours and got banned... doesnt this have an anti ban in it?
    Assuming this is a fresh account, any account made that goes directly to training a skill non-stop(especially a resource skill) would just SCREAM bot to me if I were jagex. And if it were my game, that'd be something i'd take into consideration. (Might not ban immediately but a certain flag would be placed onto the account). If we just think more from their perspective I think the banrates would be cut in half.
    • Like 2
  7. Botting is a high ban rate nower days over-all anyways. I wish we knew how Jagex detected bots.

    I doubt they've implemented something as advanced as RS3's but they definitely have something. During the charity bot bust even mod weath(or w.e his name is) was able to individually see who was botting and who wasn't before even looking at what the player was doing.

    I don't think the client itself is detectable though(maybe it's methods of doing certain things are, but not actual client aka log in and instaban).

    If we thought more from jagex's perspective I think we would be a little more ahead than we are now.

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