Hello everyone, I been working on an open-source project that I believe will be beneficial for me and anyone else that's a bit too lazy to make a bunch of account in a few minutes. The software currently use selenium and 2captcha to automate the account making process. All the account are using a "@hello.com" as a placeholder while I work on automating email creation, email verification, proxy usage. As of currently, the software is only command line and I will be working on a GUI shortly to make it more appealing to users. However, there are still quite a bit of bugs and kinks I would like to polish up first. Please report any bugs on this thread or make an issue on the github page. Thank you for your time.
Project github: https://github.com/Pandaism/RunescapeUtilities
Virus Scans:
https://goo.gl/5RfEMe //need to be updated
http://prntscr.com/ge6wlu //need to be updated
Zipped Package (if you trust a new guy enough to open a zip, here's the entire package): the run.bat isnt needed to run but if you want to allocate more ram for the software it's there to mess with
edit: updated links and project