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Posts posted by Poetry

  1. I didnt put my password and managed to get 10 hours out of it so I dont think what you said stands smile.png

    thats actually really unfortunate...

  2. I'll be training a pure with a rangeguild script, but don't want to bot all night while i sleep.

    does the bot still disconnect you after 6 hours? or has osbot got a bypass now? :s

    If it does have a bypass, is it possible to set the bot to log you out indefinitely after a certain amount of time?
    Don't wanna risk another B& account

  3. Hey again,
    I tried adding this script to my Scripts Folder.

    mport java.awt.* import org.osbot.script.Scriptimport org.osbot.script.ScriptManifestimport org.osbot.script.mouse.*import org.osbot.script.rs2.*import org.osbot.script.rs2.map.Positionimport org.osbot.script.rs2.model.GroundItemimport org.osbot.script.rs2.model.Itemimport org.osbot.script.rs2.model.PrimaryObjectimport org.osbot.script.rs2.model.RS2Objectimport org.osbot.script.rs2.ui.* import java.rmi.server.LogStream @ScriptManifest(name = "WillowChopper", author = "masamato", version = 1.3D, info="Start at any point between willow spot and seers bank.")class WillowChopper extends Script {     private final Color color = new Color(255, 255, 255)    private final Color rectColor = new Color(4, 20, 69, 150)    private final Font font = new Font("Book Antiqua", 0, 14)     int bankId = 25808    int[] axeIds = [1352, 1360, 1350, 1354, 1362, 1358, 1356]    int treeId = 1308    int[] nests = [5071, 5072, 5073, 5074, 5075, 5070, 7413, 5076]     enum State {        IDLE, CHOPPING, WALK_TO_BANK, PIN, BANKING, WALK_TO_WILLOWS, CLOSE_BANK    }    def nearestevilTree = null    def evilTree = 1736    def nearestevilChiken = null    def evilChiken = 2147    def evilPlant = 408    def nearestevilPlant = null    def willows = 0    def state = State.IDLE    def currentTree = !null    def starttime = null;     void onStart() {         starttime = System.currentTimeMillis()         if (client.getInventory().isFull())            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK    }     int onLoop() {         switch (state) {            case State.IDLE:                return onIdle()            case State.CHOPPING:                return onChopping()            case State.WALK_TO_BANK:                return walkToBank()            case State.BANKING:            return bank()            case State.CLOSE_BANK:                return closeBank()            case State.WALK_TO_WILLOWS:                return walkToWillows()        }        return 300 + random(500)    }     int onIdle() {        if (!client.getMyPlayer().isAnimating()) {            state = State.WALK_TO_WILLOWS        }        else if (client.getBank().isOpen()) {            client.getBank().close()            state = State.WALK_TO_WILLOWS        }        else if (client.getInventory().isFull()) {            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK            //client.moveCameraToEntity(closestObject(bankId))            return 500 + gRandom(100, 400)        }            if (random(10) == 0) {                client.moveCameraToEntity(currentTree)                sleep(3000 + gRandom(500, 200))            }        return 100 + gRandom(600, 500);    }     int onChopping() {        nearestevilTree = closestObject(evilTree)        nearestevilChiken = closestObject(evilChiken)        nearestevilPlant = closestObject(evilPlant)         if (client.getInventory().isFull()) {            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK            //client.moveCameraToEntity(closestObject(bankId))            return 300 + gRandom(100, 400)        }        if (random(60) == 0 && currentTree != null && currentTree.exists())            antiban()            client.moveCameraToEntity(currentTree)        if (currentTree == null) {            state = State.IDLE            log("Chopped down Willow!")            return 500 + gRandom(1000, 500)        }        if (!currentTree.exists()) {            state = State.IDLE            currentTree = null            log("Chopped down Willow!")        }        if (nearestevilTree != null) {            log("Found Evil tree. Banking logs.")            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK        }        if (nearestevilPlant != null) {            log("Found Evil plant. Banking logs.")            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK        }        return 500 + gRandom(100, 500)    }     int walkToBank() {        selectEntityOption(closestObject(bankId), "Bank", "Bank booth")        sleep(8000 + gRandom(300, 50))        if (client.getBank().isOpen())            state = State.BANKING        return 200 + gRandom(100, 200)    }     int bank() {        selectInventoryOption(client.inventory.getSlotForId(1519), "Store All")        state = State.CLOSE_BANK        return 500 + gRandom(200, 300)    }    int closeBank() {        client.getBank().close()        state = State.WALK_TO_WILLOWS        return 500 + gRandom(200, 300)    }     int antiban() {        log("Made by masamato.")        if (currentTab() != Tab.SETTINGS){            openTab(Tab.SETTINGS)            sleep(5000 + gRandom(300, 50))            openTab(Tab.MUSIC)        }        return 500 + gRandom(200, 300)    }     int walkToWillows() {        log("Walking to Willow trees")        currentTree = closestObject(treeId)        if (currentTree != null) {            log("Found Willow tree.")            selectEntityOption(currentTree, "Chop down", "Willow")            client.moveCameraToEntity(currentTree)            sleep(3000 + gRandom(500, 200))         }        return 200 + gRandom(800, 300)    }     void onPaint(Graphics g) {        g.setColor(rectColor)        g.fillRect(355, 0, 162, 55)        g.setFont(font)        g.setColor(color)        g.drawString("Masa's Willow Chopper",365, 20)        g.drawString("Chopped: ${willows}", 365, 35)       g.drawString("Botted for: " + format(System.currentTimeMillis() - starttime), 365, 50)    }      String format(final long time) {        final StringBuilder t = new StringBuilder();        final long total_secs = time / 1000;        final long total_mins = total_secs / 60;        final long total_hrs = total_mins / 60;        final int secs = (int) total_secs % 60;        final int mins = (int) total_mins % 60;        final int hrs = (int) total_hrs % 24;        if (hrs < 10) {            t.append("0");        }        t.append(hrs);        t.append(":");        if (mins < 10) {            t.append("0");        }        t.append(mins);        t.append(":");        if (secs < 10) {            t.append("0");        }        else if (secs < 0){            t.append("0")        }        else{            t.append(secs);        }        return t.toString();    }      void onMessage(String message) {        if (message == "You swing your axe at the tree.") {            log("Chopping down tree!")            state = State.CHOPPING        } else if (message == "You get some logs.") {            state = State.IDLE        } else if (message == "Your inventory is too full to hold any more logs.") {            log("Banking!")            state = State.WALK_TO_BANK        } else if (message == "You get some willow logs.") {            willows++        } else if (message == "A bird's nest falls out of the tree.") {            //selectEntityOption(nests, "Pick up", "Bird's nest")            log("Found Bird's Nest!")            sleep(1000 + gRandom(300, 50))            log("Too lazy to fix it...")            sleep(1000 + gRandom(300, 50))            log("So ur not getting it atm...")            state = State.IDLE         }    }}


    and I saved it to
    Computer > Acer (C:) > Users > Owner > OSBot > scripts

    Under the name 


    But it won't show up in my script list. Can anyone help  me please?

    When I save the file, it doesn't become a .groovy file. It stays as a .txt file. Can someone help please?

  4. It was the first time opening, sorry. I got it to load, but I cannot add a script..
    I added a WillowChopper.groovy, but when I reload my repository, it says there are no scripts. Am I doing something wrong?

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