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Posts posted by lQvkxSfm

  1. 10 minutes ago, Token said:

    Alright then, but the client is still not fixed afaik

    I'm afraid the OSBot client is not currently working after yesterday's update, the developers will push an update as soon as they find a fix

    Really? I'm currently using it :P

  2. Hey mate nice script, using it on Oak dungeon doors currently. Just some feedback for you:

    Seems to be pretty inefficient in doing this method as it fetches planks with butler, builds 2 doors, asks butler to fetch planks again and then sits doing nothing and waiting for it to return.

    Efficient workflow would be (assuming we start with planks in inv): Ask butler to retrieve 20 planks, build 2 doors (by this point butler has returned and delivered planks), ask butler to retrieve 20 more planks, build 2 doors, repeat...

    I understand that the script is very large and covers lots of different types of building and so adding specific optimizations may be hard/waste of time.

    I'm happy to test it out again if you make changes.


    Edit: ah I see someone has already posted about this :P

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