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  1. I am working on creating my own farm manager and I have automated the creation of my mirror mode clients using sandboxie, however I want to be able to upload my proxies to my server and have them automatically create the proxy profile and deploy it. Is there some sort of CLI cimilar to sandboxie I can use to automate this process? I dont want to have to manually do this through the GUI every time. If not then are there any alternatives before I look into making my own proxy handler? Thanks.
  2. is there any way to get mirror mode running on linux? I have the original client running however the bot client is stuck on "searching for osrs client to attatch to". Any help is appreciated.
  3. i had the if-statement previously before the do loop, the issue was still there however i have reverted the changes. i don't know multiple threads are being created that's my problem. the script produces the error "Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now..." but doesn't kill the old thread so they both run at the same time. is there any way to check the number of threads running and kill them? if not then how do i prevent this error.
  4. the problem persists even without the do while loop, although not as may threads are created. the snippet is trying to hop every 15 seconds until a certain player is found, player being a variable. the while myPlayer().isVisible is to stop execution when logged out for hopping too may times
  5. currently having an issue during world hopping where the log produces the following error: "Script executor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now..." however, the previous thread does not die and the script will seem to multi-thread with the previous thread and the new thread, this happens repeatedly until multiple threads are running consecutively all trying to do the same thing. this is the snippet where the issue arises: do { m.log("Hopping"); m.getWorlds().hopToP2PWorld(); m.sleep(15000); } while (m.myPlayer().exists() && player == null); any help would be appreciated and any further logs or code will be provided if needed.
  6. also down for me, will just need to wait for a fix.
  7. I am receiving this error in the log when my script attempts to withdraw an item from the bank: Error in bot executor or from Error class (and not Exception)! java.lang.AbstractMethodError: client.getConfigs1()[I at org.osbot.rs07.api.Configs.get(xf:27) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.getItemCountForTab(li:77) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.getItemsInTab(li:174) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.getTabForItem(li:312) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.withdraw(li:1045) at org.osbot.rs07.api.Bank.withdraw(li:1186) at BankNode.execute(BankNode.java:82) at main.onLoop(main.java:66) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(zf:110) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) this is the line in my BankNode code that is producing the error: m.getBank().withdraw(i -> i != null && i.getName().contains("Stamina") && !(i.getName().contains("potion(1)")), 1); however, if I remove this line the next line that withdraws an item produces the same error, if anymore information is needed to help let me know, any help would be appreciated.
  8. that seemed to do the trick! thanks for the fast replies and the help
  9. okay this is my WalkingHandler class now: import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent; import org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition; public class WalkingHandler extends MethodProvider{ MethodProvider m; public WalkingHandler(MethodProvider m) {m.getBot().getMethods();} public void Walk(Position NextStep){ WebWalkEvent WalkthePath = new WebWalkEvent(NextStep); WalkthePath.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean evaluate() { return (!isLoggedIn() || isInDanger() || isLowStamina()); } }); execute(WalkthePath); } private boolean isLoggedIn() { return getClient().isLoggedIn(); } private boolean isInDanger() { return players.closest(p -> p != null && !p.equals(myPlayer()) && (myPosition().getY() > 3522) && p.getPosition().distance(myPosition()) < 20) != null; } private boolean isLowStamina() { return settings.getRunEnergy() < 20 && getInventory().contains(item -> item.getName().contains("Stamina") && item != null); } } Still no luck, have I maybe implemented the Constructor wrong? extending the class from MethodProvider still seams to produce the error. In the other class, the variable m is an instance of the main class. is this correct or should this be replaced? WalkingHandler w = new WalkingHandler(m); The npe now points to the execute line of the Walk() method in the WalkingHandler class also if that is any help. @jca @Ragnar Lothbrok
  10. @jca after adding the boolean values to the walk() method, the script will no longer crash on start, however once the script reaches the point when the walk method is called, it again produces the NPE on the first boolean in the list. @Ragnar Lothbrok like this for example? boolean loggedIn(){ return m.getClient().isLoggedIn(); }
  11. I am experiencing an issue when trying to implement a boolean from class B to Class A. instead of validating and returning the truth value. a NPE is outputted in the console window. I have Initialised class B in class A: WalkingHandler w = new WalkingHandler(); and have attempted to implement like so: if (m.players.closest(p -> p != null && !p.equals(m.myPlayer()) && (m.myPosition().getY() > 3522) && p.getPosition().distance(m.myPosition()) < 20) == null || m.settings.getRunEnergy() > 20) { w.Walk(WildyPath[i]); } This is my class B: import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.event.WebWalkEvent; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Condition; public class WalkingHandler{ main m = new main(); boolean loggedIn = m.getClient().isLoggedIn(); boolean inDanger = m.players.closest(p -> p != null && !p.equals(m.myPlayer()) && (m.myPosition().getY() > 3522) && p.getPosition().distance(m.myPosition()) < 20) != null; boolean lowStamina = m.settings.getRunEnergy() < 20 && m.getInventory().contains(item -> item.getName().contains("Stamina") && item != null); public void Walk(Position NextStep){ WebWalkEvent WalkthePath = new WebWalkEvent(NextStep); WalkthePath.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @Override public boolean evaluate() { return (!loggedIn || inDanger || lowStamina); } }); m.execute(WalkthePath); } } and this is the error I am receiving in the log output: Error in script onStart(): MyScript Build java.lang.NullPointerException at WalkingHandler.<init>(WalkingHandler.java:12) at WalkToDestination.<init>(WalkToDestination.java:35) at main.onStart(main.java:47) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.iIIiiiiiiIII(zf:209) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(zf:11) at org.osbot.db.iIIiiiiiiIII(pab:171) at org.osbot.s.iIiIIiiiIiiI(ex:1) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1149) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:624) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748) Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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