Basically I'm curious, I started a new account about a month ago which got banned tonight. I didn't put any of my own time into the account because all I did was bot magic using a free alching script, So i'm really not bothered about it. I got 94 magic on it today just before it got banned.
My question is how safe/unsafe is botting?
Because 94 magic took me around a month, I didn't hammer the bot, It took many breaks, never botted over night. I stood in various locations, stood on 100's of players such as duel arena on the staking world etc.
But I still got caught. (Yes I know using free scrips is risky)
Do Jagex genuinely have a bot detection system or is it down to players reporting you? Just wondering encase I ever decide to bot again, probably won't as everyone gets caught eventually lol.