Yeah I figured as much I was just surprised that I wasn't locked as everybody seems to think they are so common. So I figured I may be locked and just not realise it. Don't know how I got past it but seemed easy to me. I'm sure I will run into it eventually.
Thank you for the suggestion. From what I could tell there are loads of ways to make large money but maybe you are right and I should just aim smaller. I could just dupe my 100k/h setup a bunch.
I actually have both of those I just don't want to waste my money when they are all the method clearly available to Jagex. Also I don't see any reason to rewrite the wheel so I am looking for people to help. Now if you are done just toting your own stuff can you move to your own thread.
Honestly seems more like you are a troll, just slamming on it from little reasoning. What's the problem with an account getting 500k/h in your mind? Do you want me to distribute if across multiple account, is that what you are getting at?
So you are saying it's a business not worth going into. It's just really hard to believe that from somebody that is in that business?
Yeah but it can be P2P it just has to generate enough to afford the bonds.
No an hour of runtime, so once you write the code you get 25c every hour it's running which if you write a good bot it should be going for months. Also again if it's a decent bot you can have a couple instances of it running so it's actually quite reasonable. Far far higher than say the ad rates of a website which people do.
I would likely be running the bots. Sure for yourself I can understand why you wouldn't take the offer and it's not really for you. I am looking for people that can't do it on their own primarily for time reasons and not skill however I understand that anybody who is applying likely wont have all the skills required.
Hence the flexible rate, I get that some people wouldn't want that much effort in so they could take less of a cut. Simple as that. Also there are all sorts of benefits to working in a team and when you aren't that interested in profits it's well worth it.
So the reason there is a goal is because any good project needs a goal otherwise it will either just go forever or there wont be enough determination because it already makes x. The 500k/h seemed reasonable to me as lots of people online claim to make figures in the millions.
The reason it's private is because it takes a huge amount of resources to clean up and release code for public consumption as I actually care about the code. Also it would directly go against me and increase the chances of getting caught. It's not like I don't want the gold as I do enjoy dicking around in OSRS from back when I used to play it as a wee child.
Really just seems like you are trying to be negative because I'm not doing it the way you would.
If someone is willing to write a script for x amount of money then it's clear they couldn't make that much by running the script, simple as that. Also when you can write your own scripts paying somebody to write it seems like a waste of money.
And really a lmgtfy link is just annoying as it basically tells you to come up with your own method and stop googling it.
Who said I am doing it for money? Sure that would be nice but I just find this stuff really interesting as I develop games from time to time so it's useful to understand how people do these things.