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420 Herblore

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Posts posted by 420 Herblore

  1. 9 minutes ago, LoudPacks said:

    As someone else stated I think it will block you after several accounts due to captchas which I didn't realize when I made this. It will take a fair amount of time for that many accounts tho. If I decide to update this, ill put the account checking on a separate thread and have some sort of status bar that updates after each account so you can see the progress.

    I'd like to add:

    - Proxy support

    - 2Captcha support (for captcha bypass but youll need and API key and credits)

    - Progress updating

    I'm not sure if I'll get around to it any time soon but in the future it may be updated with those features.

    Naah fixed it by unblocking it throught properties :) Went all good 150 accs in less then 15 minutes :D

  2. 52 minutes ago, The Undefeated said:

    You aren't able to sell accounts, you need at least 100 posts.


    Don't comment if that's your answer, he's just asking for a pricecheck :) He is not saying he will be selling it.

    And O.T I don't know buddy but probably more then 50M :D 

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  3. I am currently working on my first scipt, so i need a logo for it. ( Script info will be given privately )

    You can choose for a payout or you can get my future scripts for free ! ( If you will be making those logo's too ) 

    PM me your skype/discord AND the payment option you choose.


  4. 16 hours ago, H0rn said:

    You would have to run the bot with write permissions so it could create the folder mate :)

    I just tried that and it still doesn't work :(

    14 hours ago, Token said:

    Consider running OSBot as a nonroot user with correct home directory permissions set. If that's not the problem consider asking the script writer if he made a mistake in the path as it's supposed to be Data with capital D. Unix file system is case sensitive unlike windows and will not work in this case.

    Thanks, i'll send him a message :)

  5. 12 hours ago, H0rn said:

    This is going to be your problem, I haven't used linux in years, try running with permissions for that folder?


    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/19 02:30:04 PM]: Blocked permission: ("java.io.FilePermission" "/root/OSBot/data/FrostBarrows/Logs" "read")

    I gave all the folders inside OSBOT write and read permission, but FrostBarrows folder is missing ? 

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