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Trade With Caution
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About ReadGf

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    i love art and music, chess and mmo games, if you have a cc or something i could join that talks about that, i would more than happily join you :D

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  1. I wont refunds something, i didnt take nor have I.did use discord to talk, to you to buy that but i dont use it. No point in it so i just skype out... that why i say i technically dont have an account... Eitherway you can check that id thing is different probably then the one i have so... I wont refund soenthing i dont have... feel free to verify aint got time to lie or argue... Ban me if you want let me know thanks And goodbye cya around if anything
  2. Hello im sorry for everything... ill be brief I have been full of work around college and I havent even logged into rs or osbot... I like logged in every 3 days or so to like bump the thread... Sorry to tell you I quited rs a month ago 0.o i do not use discord i do not have any... I use skype and you can check it up and aska previous buyers ...all my deals are made via skype or through osbots messages... Idk how but you got scammed aparrently through my account... but all i can say is im really sorry! But i just want to make clear this wasnt done by me. And i dont know who you are talking to in the chat but thats not me sorry :S i do not owe discord only skype and i always use my name either readgf or my irl name johan i really apologize for any inconveniences ... if you want i can create an discord and send you the id thing but Cba atm will probably be able tomorrow or the day after
  3. Scammed me for $100 would not trust

    1. ReadGf


      Hey what are you talking about sorry??? 

      I havent logged in a while 0.o

      I cant see any like conversation or stuff on this profile 0.0 

      Mind sending me over some screens and stuff? 

    2. Patrick Willey

      Patrick Willey

      You blocked me on disc...

  4. Yes i offer original email access, if you would like to proceed add me on discord.
  5. BUMP Buddies idk but i feel like O riginal email isnt even a safety garantee of an account being recovered, just so you know... you can ask on forums they probably will tell you the same... I am willing to make the transaction as smooth as possible for parties involved tho, so hit me up if you have an offer Ill be more then happy to assist in your purchase
  6. 1. Pictures of the account stats Has 1750+ ignore the total in the picture only skills changed were firemaking/smithing/ farming by a couple levls. Acount comes with rigour and preserve.. 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Account has all skill capes for every 99... Bank is cleared or is full of junk 4. Pictures of the quests completed 5. The price you will be starting bids at $150 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account $175 7. The methods of payment you are accepting Paypal/BTC/ETH/LTC If btc is used autowin to $165 8. Your trading conditions You will go first ... And payment has to be sent through buyers seller protect with TOS agreement and confirmation via PP if made through there... If its made via BTC with available MM if needed 1) after account has been sold you will receive berberechos of the account+recovery details so no refund apply unless account sharing is the reason of ban 2) If Customers account has acc locked then seller(me) will help you unlocking it. 3) Payments made vía PP has to be sent via Buyers protection stating yo agree to this TOS on opinions... + you will pay extra for the fee of protecction... If payment isnt recieved fully for $175 refund will be made, if $$$ is lost i will not be held responsible... 9. Pictures of the account status https://gyazo.com/7fa863d20fb499f951d00d21749ba6af 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am original owner of the account.
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