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Trade With Caution
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About RahaKaan

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  1. Hey man, I have made my mind, contact me in skype: ilvesepoiss

  2. when you get online message me on Skype

  3. Sup! I need a little help with my new-starting business website. I basically need the members area template changed for another members area template, altho I have no experince whatsoever on web development. If anyone can help an old-timer out, I can throw in a lifetime membership on my new site also ;). Let me know, add me on skype: Suguherpes
  4. Sup! I need a logo for my new website, quite simple one. I will pay 5m for it. Contact me via skype: Suguherpes ;)
  5. That's it. I am running a Pay-Per-Download site, and I need someone to do the design for me. I already have the beginning design, now need someone to do a new design. Paying as much as needed Skype: Suguherpes
  6. RahaKaan

    A Avatar?

    improve your english grammar
  7. Tried, GDK acc bugged, closed the client. Also if I set ram usage over 1gb, it doesnt simply open GJ
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