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Posts posted by Kozs

  1. Great script

    Had a few problems that I was able to fix; there were just errors on my end :)


    Script works real well; only problem I found is that the script stops in the beginning if it tries to input a random name but lag prevents the click from registering, the script just waits for a name to appear; I have to manually input, which is fine; perhaps a quick check to make sure that there is text inputted 


    Thanks a lot for the hard work ill post more in the future 

  2. Sorry this is probably an obstructive question but I have this script that copys NPC Spawns to JSON format that I need for a project I am working on, I was wondering if I would get banned just by the client itself? Not sure if its detectable, not sure on the status of OSRS. 


    This would be something worth having a page dedicated too BTW.


    'This bot currently is undetectable' or versa. 


    Basically just wanna make sure I am not going to get banned just by being on the client. I don't think my script will get me banned. 

  3. If you're botting on one account and playing completely legit on the other one, the chances of your legit account being banned are pretty slim to none. If you start interacting with the botted account, as in trading gold or botted goods between the two, there is a chance your main will be banned 



    could always potentially happen, but i've never heard of it. i've gotten bans on at least 5 accounts, and the other 3 that i didn't bot on are spotless in terms of bans. the chances of it happening are very, very slim. the other account will be monitored more, undoubtedly, but it's likely that they won't ban it, because, who knows? - another person with the same IP address could be playing on it for all they know.



    Theoretically, yes,

    Realistically, No.


    What I mean by this is that they say that they do, and we know that they can, but at least by me it's never been heard of.


    So my account was banned on the Mirror Client, my main. Was not. Thankfully. Science has been concluded today boys. 

  4. I was just curious, today I purchased VIP (impulse buy, but we out herE) and I have an account that I don't play on, so my plan was to use the Mirror Client on that account and play LEGIT on my RS3 account. But that got me thinking; if my OS account gets caught for botting, will my main account be banned too? I have a botting offense on that account I play on legit, but I haven't botted on it SINCE I was caught for it... I just don't wanna go down on my main too, if caught of course! The pessimistic side of me directs me to believe that I am going to be caught soon enough, so I thought to make this post!



    Thanks a lot OSBot!


    tl;dr - Can I get banned on my other accounts I play on while botting on a third account... 


    Other Info: I won't be transferring anything between accounts I will just be botting on one, and playing on another.





  5. You can interact with the interface like so: 


    Fill in the relevant fields of course happy.png


    Does not work, the script just hovers over it. If I made it "Make 1" it would work. 


    Fixed ** Thanks 


    The interface takes a second or 2 to appear after using a knife on a log; You don't seem to be waiting for that.

    This means that the interaction will likely fail. Perhaps insert a conditionalsleep after using the knife on the log

    		new ConditionalSleep(3000) {
    			public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
    				return interfaces.getChild(305, 2) != null;


    It still shows up in time, but how do I make the script select "Make X" rather then one, due to it having to RIGHT Click first then select that. 

  7. My first time playing with this API. I wanted to figure out how to properly tell the bot to Make X when making arrow shafts.... This is what I got so far..



    public void MakeShaft() throws InterruptedException {
    && this.inventory.isFull());
    Item Knifes = inventory.getItem(Knife);
    Item Log = inventory.getItem(Logs);
    interfaces.interactWithChild(305, 2, "Make 1");
  8. Request a snippet ! smile.png


    Could you make a snippet on how to make Colored Squares over objects. Like if Tree is a Tree, it'll have a green box around it. When it's a stump, it'd be red. 

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