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  1. Rockcrabs now days aint that popular/crowded, its even hard to find a world with more then 3 players in if you try. Do you have any tips on where i should train instead? I'm not really complaining either i actually laughed when it happend, do you have any suggestions of other locations to bot at, from scratch? i actually do not belive it was the hours or the location that is the real issue,"Meybe im wrong" if i spent the exakt same hours doing it legit i would not have gotten banned ofc, so they obv found a pathern of the bot, or what do you think? Do you think jagex is like "checking" popular areas like rockcrabs to catch a botter like me or did they just find my history of the account unhuman, what do you think*?
  2. I bought VIP and used the mirror mode, I botted for 30 hours total and got banned. I started at level 3, botted for 2-3 hours at chickens to about 20 str if i remember correct, then i went to monks and botted for about 9 hours to around 40 str then i took a break for 1 day. after a 24 hour break i bought a premium rockcrab script and i botted for 15 hours. After 15 hours my account logged out and when i logged back in i thought i was fine but as soon as i took a step my account loggd out again and when i tried to logg back in i was perm ban'd lol. Perhaps i did some rookie miskate by start botting immediately after creating the account or someting along that. I can also mention that at rockcrabs i did i actualy pause the bot at one part and took over and trained about 10k xp by my self cuz i was bored..and after that i just unpaused and let the bot do its thing, so i did break the pathern of the bot had by abit sinse that seems to be a huge reason u get banned "I'V HEARD". Owell life goes on and since i got banned so early i feel like i should give it a another try. If any of you ladies out there have any suggestion pleeease gimmie<3
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