I need help finding out which method is most efficient.
alright so I'm going to try to lay out the background, bear with me as I am writing this high
I'm going to use the alphabet instead of the name of the items to protect my farm.
I obtain Item A at the rate of 5040/hr, the item has no prerequisites
I obtain Item B at the rate of 14625/hr, in order to obtain B, I must consume my A
I obtain Item C at the rate of 25200/hr, in order to obtain C, I must consume my B, and purchase D off the ge.
Time > A
A + Time > B
B + D + Time > C
A could be bought off the ge for 50 (Extremely limited market, (60kish/2-3days)
B could be bought off the ge for 160
C is sold for 400 each
D is bought for 75 each
What I'm asking is, is it more efficient to buy, A, then go to C through the creation process. Or, is it more efficient to buy B and skip A all together.
I feel like I formatted my question badly...
Is it most efficient to create all the items myself (except for D, obviously), or is it more efficient to buy an item to skip that process then continue to the other creations...
ie. I want to make 500k of item C
That would take 152.37 hours total (actually correct math) if I got everything myself.
Let's say (hypothetically; incorrect/unchecked numbers) that if I cut out getting A, and just bought it instead, and it took me less time, would that less time make up for the money I had to spend on A?
so 152.37 hours for 500k of item C is 150m
if it took less time to make Item C at the cost of ~20,000,000 (500k of Item A) ...lost my train of thought
would I make more gp/hr gathering all the stuff, or buying? and if buying, what items would be best to buy, and what would be best to create.
If I need to clarify anything, which I probably do, let me know.