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Posts posted by Kajakas

  1. erm i've been using this for several weeks now and never had any problems. woke up this morning stuck in prison petes..which i understand as they've changed randoms. but the problem is the client decided to drop about 800 bones to peaches tabs.


    Same here, left my bot unattended for about an hour and came back and saw it being stuck at prison pete the whole time and it had dropped all my b2p's, I didn't have 800 of them but still not a great surprise :s

  2. Confirmed. When I get that random the client goes nuts and I have to manually turn the random script off, otherwise I can't do anything.


    Hopefully gets updated soon, sick of babysitting my bot all day and doing randoms :(

  3. More tips


    - Use CC (ex: Mod Mark), being part of a clan chat shows you're active, I believe it helps, doesn't hurt to try

    - don't bot 24/7, use breaks every now and then and hop worlds and switch locations, doing one thing for too long can be suspicious

    - don't bot at crowded areas, more likely to get reported/encounter a mod

    - babysit your bot as much as possible, you don't have to watch every second of it but check your bot whenever you can so you won't get stuck at a random or die while training combat


  4. When you start botting you take the risk of getting banned anyways, there's a much higher chance you get banned for botting than getting hacked by the bot creators or someone that manages to hack this site and edit the bot to send them info.

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