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  1. if (cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) { NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf"); if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) { cow.interact("Attack"); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @@Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isInteracting(cow); } }.sleep(); } if (cow.getHealthPercent() == 0) { sleep(1000); GroundItem cowhide = groundItems.closest("Cowhide"); if (cowhide != null && cowhide.interact("Take")) { new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @@Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return cowhide == null; } }.sleep(); } } } else { getWalking().webWalk(cowArea); } I have it like this. I'm tlaking about after the cow is dead too. For some reason it takes too long to find another cow/simply loot cowhide. Is there a way to prioritize looting cowhide over killing? so i can find cowhide on the ground and pick itup. thanks
  2. Thanks alot guys~ if(cowArea.contains(myPlayer())) { NPC cow = getNpcs().closest("Cow", "Cow calf"); if (cow != null && !combat.isFighting() && !cow.isUnderAttack()) { cow.interact("Attack"); new ConditionalSleep(5000) { @@Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return myPlayer().isAnimating() || myPlayer().isInteracting(cow); } }.sleep(); } is what i used. I have one last problem. For some reason it takes a LONG time to loot cowhide/choose a different NPC (after killing cow, finding out someone already attking it or if it's under attk.) thanks
  3. Hmmm thanks, but it shows this still:- http://i.imgur.com/t8rwK0l.png
  4. Getting yellow lines now http://i.imgur.com/lxK4y4Y.png
  5. I don't have 1.8 tho.. I can only see 1.7 Edit: downloading the update now, ill let u know how it goes
  6. http://i.imgur.com/3koWI1R.png http://i.imgur.com/db6O1P4.png dunno why this is happening to me.. My friend says it works for him but for me it doesnt ;c Any tips?
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