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Posts posted by ChrisJ

  1. On 7/15/2018 at 10:37 PM, IDontEB said:

    Create an algorithm for a line, use that algorithm to determine all the x,y points between the start and finish. Create AWT MouseEvents for every point on the line and use getBot().sendAppletEvent(); to send them to the client.

    Yo, I tried to make a basic proof of concept:

    int x = 12;
    public int onLoop() {
        int y = 172;
        getBot().sendAppletEvent(new MouseEvent(getBot().getCanvas(),
                x, y,
        return 500;

    But when I run this, nothing happens. Im debugging mouse position and mouse trail, but it stays at -1, -1. Logging just keeps saying "loop" without exceptions.

    What am I doing wrong?



    This did work:

    getBot().getMouseEventHandler().generateBotMouseEvent(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVED, System.currentTimeMillis(),
            0, x, y, 0, false, MouseEvent.NOBUTTON, true);

    Might be inefficient for entire paths though, not sure if this is the right way to do it.

  2. Learnt most from starting a project and looking up everything i came across untill i'd fully understand. Learnt some more from my study computer science. Then learnt from the book "OCA Java SE 7 Programmer 1 study guide" and got the certificate. After that, the SE 8 programmer 1 and SE 8 programmer 2 study guides & certificates. Now from whatever i run into at my job.

    I think OSBot is a nice place to start learning as you can set a goal you really want to achieve. "I want to make a script that does X and Y.". Having a goal like that is a nice reason to stay persistent. There is some basic Java knowledge needed though, that could be acquired through basic tutorials, but it could be hard to grasp when jumping into a script skeleton and trying to make things work..

    Best way to learn depends on the person, some people learn very well through reading books, others have to really do it in order to remember it. Books often have exercises to make you get used to the concepts though. That's why my advice would be to find a book and set goals for yourself depending on how much time you have etc. Then when you've finished a book, start some kind of project.

    If you want to make an OSBot script, then read some tutorials on OSBot too because you'll be working with the OSBot library, so you have to understand what the library does exactly when you call a method. Also get to understand what the Java API is and how you can lookup classes and methods, and get to understand the OSBot API.

    Good luck!

    • Like 1
  3. Had to use BlueJ during first year of study computer science aswell. It's good for people that don't understand the concept of classes and objects but as you said you already know those, it kinda sucks.

    Just had a look and i still have the book "Programming in Java with BlueJ (fourth edition)" here lol.. anyways it could still teach you some useful things i guess, maybe make you more familiar with class diagrams?

  4. air runes = 9gp each cast

    bond duration = 14 days
    splashes per hour = 1200

    splashes in 14 days = 1200 * 24 * 14 = 403.200

    403200 * 9 = 3.628.800 gp

    current bond price = 4.419.324 gp

    = why i splash in f2p

  5. Hello everyone.

    This is a bug report / call for help to make my script work. In the abyss, i run RS2Object.interact() on one of the obstacles in the outer ring to go through. Sometimes this method is called on an unlucky moment and the player is already in the inner ring. When this happens the bot keeps clicking on the minimap every ~5 seconds to go towards the object, which obviously wont work because it cannot reach it. The log after the interact() method is never called untill i stop the script.

    I had a look at the source for the interact() method, and took that + added setMaximumAttempts() on the interactionEvent.

    final InteractionEvent interactionEvent = new InteractionEvent(closest, outerRingObject.getObjectOption());
    failed = !interactionEvent.hasFinished();

    It still entered an endless loop on the execute()...


    I tried starting a seperate thread to set the interactionEvent as finished when the player ended up in the inner ring.. Also didnt help:

    new Thread(() -> {
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        while (!interactionEvent.hasFinished() && (System.currentTimeMillis() - start < 25000)) {
            if (getState() == State.INNER_RING) {
            } else {
                w8(2500 + random(500));

    Made the script override onMessage() to set a waitingForObstacle boolean when the message pops up that we try to mine/distract/go through, and set it to false again when the succes or fail message pops up. To make sure we dont call interact() while mining/distracting or w/e.

    Checked that boolean just before starting the interactionEvent

    if (waitingForObstacle) {
        return 450 + random(450);

    And added another check that we're in the outer ring and not the inner ring

    if (getState().equals(State.OUTER_RING)) { ...


    Still it ended up trying to interact with the object in the outer ring while being in the inner ring...

    Any help is appreciated!


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