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Posts posted by CJ1681

  1. 5233e29cb8.pngFire Cape Service3ea830a274.png

    Satisfaction Guaranteed



    Hey guys and welcome to my fire cape service. I am newer to OsBot and I am offering my services

    to those who need an experienced caper. If you have any questions, I am prompt to

    answer on Skype, PMs or on this thread. My prices are fair and my service is

    promised to be outstanding.


    Terms of Service:

    1. You may not login to the account during a service unless you have permission from me. 

    If you do login, it will result in the termination of the service with NO refund.

    2. You MUST NOT change the details of the account until the service has been completed,

    doing so will result in a void of service with NO refund.

    3. If there are any items required for the service, it is between you and I to come to an

    agreement as to who covers the fees for those items.

    4. You MUST change your password after the completion of the service.

    5. If you have any substantial wealth on the account, it is your responsibility to protect it. You

    can do so via bank pin or transferring the wealth off of your account.

    6. Once the service is complete, you must leave feedback for the relevant parties involved.

    7. You MUST post on the service thread to acknowledge my individual T.O.S. prior to the

    start of the service.

    8. If the service is requested to be done legit, any T.O.S.related to bans/mutes become

    obsolete (unless evidence can be provided of prior botting).

    9. I am not responsible for any bans/mutes you may get for RwT, account sharing or any other

    related offenses. 

    10. If I fail the cape, I will do it again and provide the supplies I need on that new attempt at no

    extra charge.


    Order Form:

    1. Do you agree to the T.O.S.?

    2. Range/Def/Hp/Pray Levels?:

    3. Did you add my Skype?:

    4. Payment Method(RS3/OS GP):





    Biggest Trust:







    Thank you for your business.


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