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Posts posted by Xious

  1. 1. OSBot Version (do NOT put "current version", be specific)



    2. A description of the issue. Include relevant logs.

    Proxy parameter in CLI as "-proxy host:port:user:pass" causes Bot Initialization Error despite proxy is fine, tried a couple different.


    3. Are you receiving any errors in the client canvas or the logger? 



    4. How can you replicate the issue?

    Just try setting proxy in CLI.


    5. Has this issue persisted through multiple versions? If so, how far back?

    I believe from 2.4.48 up. 

  2. Hi, I've used CLI to launch accounts via proxy, and since few days ago I'm not able to anymore, no matter which proxy I try I'm getting "Bot Initialization Error"... launching with params -proxy host:port:user:pass. 


    Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  3. use conditionalsleeps instead of while loops


    try tis:

               if (getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading()) {
                      if (getTrade().isFirstInterfaceOpen()) {
                          if (getTrade().acceptTrade()) {
                            new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
                              public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
                               return getTrade().isSecondInterfaceOpen();
                            } else {
                           if (getTrade().acceptTrade()) {
                             new ConditionalSleep(5000) {
                              public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException {
                               return !getTrade().isCurrentlyTrading();

    idk 100% if code will work cause i wrote it on browser


    Thx, gonna try this ^^

  4. do u have a:


    in your code


    edit: post ur code



    Trader 1:

                    while(trade.isCurrentlyTrading() && !trade.isSecondInterfaceOpen()) sleep(50);
                    while(trade.isCurrentlyTrading()) sleep(50);

    Trader 2:

                    while(!trade.didOtherAcceptTrade()) sleep(50);
                    while(!trade.didOtherAcceptTrade()) sleep(50);

    This isn't exactly how my code looks like, but this is an example of my logic. smile.png (There are sleeps in betwen)

  5. Hey ^^ I've seen another thread about an issue with trading, but no solution has been posted so I'm posting another one :3


    I'm writing some merching scripts and when trading, "trade.acceptTrade()" sometimes fails to accept the trade and instead

    only shakes the mouse over Decline trade button doing nothing? It's been bugging me out for hours -.-


    Anyone knows how to solve this?


  6. Thanks everyone for your input ^^



    But in response to the topic. I think that Anti-ban that convinces players around you that you are a legit human is the ultimate for of anti-ban. Things like intelligent auto-responders/talkers, Randomized movements and pathing, and obviously a well written script that won't get you stuck in a corner trying to open a door or something for 2 hours and you get reported by half of the population of runescape.

    But in 90% of the cases I've heard of that legit players get banned after more investigation is done they are unbanned. If you have watched any of the old school bot busting streams, the moderators have a list of players that they have suspicion of to be bots, most likely compiled from player reports, or potentially flagged IP's. They then go to the account, ban them, and then send the data to a team of moderators that investigates the accounts activity, and in my opinion most likely their mouse movements and other activities that can be clearly seen as a pattern of botting and then they either are proven guilty and banned permanently or they are unbanned. 


    So I mean if Jagex could solely base bans off of the accounts played time and xp gained, and other easily viewed statistics they would never be able to 100% say that this account was a bot. I'm sure there are several players in osrs that stay up playing runescape for 36 hours straight fishing and doing slayer, but if you botted like that you would be banned within a few days no doubt.


    That makes sense, thanks! Regarding Token saying leggit players getting banned, I haven't had such experience ever before, besides most "leggit" players who says they get banned they're most likely not leggit. I guess I'll just try and make it as human as possible and see how it goes biggrin.png

  7. If you want to write an efficient anti-ban you should first think about how a bot detection system is implemented. Most important thing you should know before this, which most people don't, is that jagex has no way to track mouse movements. Sending instant input to the client, repetitive mouse patterns, clicking the same pixel 24/7 will not get you banned. Simulating a player that watches youtube in a separate window will therefore not help you at all.


    I'm new and I've sadly no idea how does Jagex's BOT detection system works >.<

    That's interesting and I didn't know :o Are there any known methods though that may actually extend the time before getting banned?

  8. Thanks everyone ^_^


    i dont have enough knowledge of wow to have any idea what those "scripts" are :/ a lot of them look the same :P nevertheless looks awesome man! so u can write bot scripts for wow in C#? ohmy.png i heard of another bot for a game called aura kingdom which is C# aswell


    Oh each of those are specially made for something, the system there works much different though... thx! Yesss! There's an API for C#, the client itself is C++ though. I heard about that as well, but never tried it out. Thought even OSBot scripts could've been written in C# if API would've been made for C# ^^

    hey mate im a great scriptor if u need any help feel message me goodluck mate i think youll fit right insanic.png


    Thx, appreciate that ^^

  9. welcome! what have you done with C# ? C# is fun doge.png



    Hello and Welcome! I'm also very curious what you've made with C# so far, could you share this with us? smile.png


    Thanks guys! :D 


    Apart from enterprise projects I've worked on, I can share the bots I've created for WoW in C# HonorBuddy API, here's the list of my products:



    I can share more detailed projects via GIt if you'd like then :)

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