-Disputed member: ThreeAreLegend
-Thread Link: http://osbot.org/forum/user/226039-threearelegend/
-Explanation: I hired him to do services for me (46-65 thieving, 51-60 agility, 61-70 ranged and the dwarf cannon quest) for 7.5m. Instead he kept lying that he was almost finished and in the end he started to ignore me. I told him that I wish to stop the order and he just took all my items, incl. 6.7m cash, faraoh sceptre, 600 eye of newts, 40k feathers (yes he even took the eyes of newts and the feathers...) 5k cannon balls, 7k iron knives, 1k law runes, 400 death runes and 1k adamant arrows + the 7.5m because he didn't finish the job, he didn't even start.
-Evidence: See attached file. (me paying him 7.5m for the service, his ign is markob)
All I want is to get my stuff back, he can keep the 7.5m...