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  1. What were you botting? If you don't mind me asking and has your IP been flagged in the past
  2. I admire your patience. Guess I need to start being more patient and just bot a shit ton less to be safe. Been banned on almost 10 accounts in the past few days. None of my accounts survive for over 48 hours (I'm only botting for around 16 hours a day on each account or less). The majority of them were for fletching, a few for fishing, and even some that were for combat (Al Kharid Warriors/Monks). Do you know a possible reason why they were all perma banned? :l
  3. Damn you're living on the edge lol. Idk I've already got banned on 2 of my 5 new accounts that I made yesterday. What am I doing wrong? How am I getting banned so quickly They constantly ban me on all of my accounts within a day of botting (I only bot for 8-10 hour periods in a row). And it's always a perma ban. When is it that they only ban you for 2 days/14 days?
  4. What were you botting and how long were you botting for? If you don't mind me asking Really? Was hoping I did fuck up tbh so I could just fix my mistake. Do you know of a possibly reason why I'd be perma banned for these accounts? Would the proxys' ip be flagged or is there anything else I should be worried about? Thanks for your help
  5. So I'm just recently getting into botting in OS again. Used to have my own mini gold farm back when OS came out a few years back. Had several proxies, a VPS because my computer was shit and all that you'd need. I made the mistake of coming back to Runescape to bot and just expect it to be super easy again. I was mistaken. I forgot that I was banned on a few accounts before and that my IP was flagged and because of that my first 2 accounts (fletching) were banned within 2 days on my ip. Remembered that proxies existed and bought Proxyfish's 5 proxy bundle, 4 would be dedicated for fletching and the 5th would be the start of my new main. Started it up yesterday and got to around 60 fletching on all of them, took a break for a few hours and started them back up before I fell asleep. A few hours after I wake up to all of them being perma banned. They were all on different ip's, but the 5th account that was just botting combat was still going strong. So where was my fuck up? Was I dumb to bot fletching, was I unlucky, am I just flat out dumb? Is it even possible to get perma banned right off the bat on a fresh IP? Sorry for all of my questions but I would just really like to start up again and know where I made my mistakes. Thanks to anyone who can help point me in the right direction.
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