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Trade With Caution
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About kapostins012

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kapostins012's Achievements

Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. You retard, I smoke for around 4 years. And the first time I smoked back then, I had almost no effect, even though it was high quality weed, lol.
  2. First time you smoke, you barely get any high. ok, buddy.
  3. weed and runescape doesnt go together, last night I got phished cause I was so smart to believe double xp on twitch, logged in even gave them my bank pin. And all this cause I was high as a kite. Only lost a few mil, tho.
  4. i got a small cmb account. Check highscores kapostins123 ( http://services.runescape.com/m=hiscore/c=f7c*dZtRij4/compare?user1=kapostins123 ) ill sell it for like 5-10m if ure interested
  5. 51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage, 44pray, 68cmb. Pm me for the name, if ure interested. Mith gloves, ava ect. Offer?
  6. 51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw. Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
  7. 51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw. Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
  8. 51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw. Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
  9. 82strength, 72 hp,56 range , 55magic 1 pray 1 att. No email registered. feel free to offer in pms, or here. We take MM or you go first, if interested.
  10. Don't need this anymore, got an account.
  11. cant seem to find your skype, but what would the price be for 40 attack, 99str, around 80-90 range?
  12. Looking to buy a nice range 2h pure, or just a f2p pking account. DEFENCE MUST BE 1. PRAYER MUST BE 1. Not interested in the banks of thea cocunts, just the stats.
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