weed and runescape doesnt go together, last night I got phished cause I was so smart to believe double xp on twitch, logged in even gave them my bank pin. And all this cause I was high as a kite. Only lost a few mil, tho.
i got a small cmb account. Check highscores kapostins123 ( http://services.runescape.com/m=hiscore/c=f7c*dZtRij4/compare?user1=kapostins123 )
ill sell it for like 5-10m if ure interested
51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw.
Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw.
Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
51attack, 80str, 88 range, 80hp, 85 mage. Buy out 50m or we can talk a little. , comes with email, its throw away email btw.
Its a gmauler with mith gloves, ava ect.
Looking to buy a nice range 2h pure, or just a f2p pking account.
Not interested in the banks of thea cocunts, just the stats.