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Trade With Caution
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Posts posted by Newt0n

  1. [icon or signature]: Preferably both, but signature if only one

    [Name you want it to say]: Newton Scripts

    [Font: (optional, but thicker fonts look better in sigs;leave blank if you don't really give a shit)]: Any classical kind of font

    : Not sure, maybe white on black background?

    [Overall theme]: A classical theme. Would be cool if there were some planets in the background. Doesn't necessarily have to have a picture of Isaac Newton, but if it looks good, then go ahead

    [Graphic (optional)]: 

    [Any other instruction/preferences]: Nope :)

    • Like 1
  2. Hmm okay,


    So botting in Nardah wouldn't decrease the % of getting banned ? 

    It would only decrease the % of getting reported ? 

    Well the chance of getting reported will increase the chance of a ban. The banning system most likely works on the principle of a flagging system. The more reports you get, the more your behavior data will be scrutinized, eventually leading to manual scrutiny. 

  3. Hello,


    I thought I'd take the opportunity to introduce myself, as I plan to dedicate a lot of my time to OSBot scripting. I have been programming in java for 5 years now, and am always looking to learn more (please pm me if you want to discuss anything related to my fields of interests below, I value communication as a source of information very highly). I used to play Runescape many years ago. I have spent a lot of time working on scripts for private (fun) use on other bot clients. I now intend to contribute a lot to the community. Hopefully I can earn a scripter rank and get some scripts on the SDN soon. Today, I made a woodcutting script that I will release soon.


    Particular fields of interest:

    Java programming

    Reverse engineering in Java

    Artificial intelligence






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