Hullo all, just throwing you a heads up here.
I recently joined the site, and use the same username for League ( as many of us like to stick to one or two aliases).
Now, this is the only forum I've recently been active on, and have never previously experienced issues of this ilk before. Some moron submitted a password request for my League username earlier today, and the only place I can imagine he'd have got the idea and username from would be this site. Now, this want-to-be thief clearly isn't the brightest spark as in order to actually reset my password he'd have to have access to my e-mail account too. This for obvious reasons has very different login details, and I took the precaution many years ago to have a few backup mail accounts that redirect to each other, so should one be compromised I would be notified immediately (the wonders of mobile technology really does have its' uses).
My first step was obviously to not use the link in the e-mail I received initially, as having not requested the reset myself, I was suspicious of phishing. Instead I took to the official website and submitted a request myself, and changed the password straight away as a precaution. No harm done, but mildly alarming when whilst I was at work.
So, to the users in this community; beware! There are assholes in this corner of the internet too - so it may be prudent, especially if you were daft enough to keep the same passwords/usernames to change them pronto.
To the fuckwit who tried to nick my smurf, please do us all a favour and die in a hole.