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  1. yo, loving your script man, quick question though, is it possible to add to the globalcurser an option to stun/alch? i can test it out for you if need be, would greatly appreciate it


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    2. deaddog


      Awesome, i think that might of been my issue, i will try it now and let you know bro, if you ever need anything tested out let me know

    3. deaddog


      so downloaded it from the SDN and something is off, start the script, checks inv, checks spellbook, and crashes. reset client and all

    4. Satire


      You're going to have to be a little bit more specific. I need a video of it showing the whole client and the log. Cause if you can't cast the spell, the script will auto close itself.

  2. Hey man, you still updating global curser or nah? if so the script alchs on when starting the client, but doesn't after, it just continues to splash.

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    2. Satire


      Did you download it from the thread? U need to download it via local and not use the SDN version. As it needs to be  updated. I have checked several times with 2 different VM's and it is cursing then alching and repeating perfectly fine :)

    3. Satire


      NOTE: I think if you have the local script and SDN script with same name, it might clash. You may need to remove the script from the SDN in order to get the local one to work. 

    4. deaddog


      will do, i appreciate your help man, tyvm

  3. Alchs once when starting the script, then continues to curse without alching at all.. was so excited for this lol
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