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  1. I'd agree to a certain point, you could've gotten a great banner for a third of the price or less. Same quality, just as good. I like you dex, don't think this is aimed at you. I do think you overpriced it though.
  2. Do you mean career, or online gfx shop lol.
  3. Reflex

    SOTW 12 Voting

    basic is winner, gratz bud.
  4. Reflex

    2013 Tagwall

    hi atlas, good to see u here too shoot me a pm for ur 80m btw lol.
  5. Reflex

    SOTW 12 Voting

    i know, i had to since this was all entries i got.
  6. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    I'd enjoy it if you calm down basic, I'm closing this weekend because 2 other people contacted me saying they'll contribute. I don't see any problem here, it's not my fault no one entered for a whole week before this either, time for you guys to be a bit patient.
  7. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    If there's not another entry by tomorrow i'll be extending by another week, come on guys.
  8. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    no entries at all, extending to next week.
  9. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    I still love you patrick, don't worry xox And as for the prize, i added a new option to the winnings.
  10. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    God i'm behind. Ok well thanks jordan. Adding another prize system.
  11. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    I'll contact maldesto too, if not i'll figure another prize.
  12. Reflex

    SOTW 12

    Entries must be submitted by 09/01/2014 Signature Of The Week #12 Theme : Abstract How to enter: Send your artwork to me in a private message, they must be submitted by the 1st of january 2014 maximum size of artwork is 650px wide and 450px high. This isn't a LP contest (we might do an LP theme once) Basic rules : Do not include any kind of name that will give away which signature is yours Do not ask for people to vote for you You may vote for yourself, but it's not required. If you say or hint at which one is yours, you will be disqualified for that week and the next week. If asked to provide proof that you made the image, provide it. Flaming and/or ripping will result in a disqualification. Rules are here http://osbot.org/for...144-sotw-rules/ The winnings: 1 point on the designer system to work towards the godlike designer rank, or if you're not a designer yet we will discuss if you earn the rank. OR You can choose to change up the designer point and get a sotw cash point (which i will keep track of) Once 1 member reaches 5 sotw winner points, they can exchange it with me for 5m 07gp. (this can only be done with sotw gained designer points, and not with any points gained any other way.)
  13. I have no clue what you're on about, honestly. I only said high quality screenshots so the actual collage looks nice. And with the current point system for designer ranks that should suffice.
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