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Posts posted by qyouwei

  1. Yes, I meant the logger:)


    thank you very much for the fantastic report. The screenshots were exactly what I was looking for. I've gone ahead and fixed both issues as I believe I found and tested the problem in both cases.


    Luckily it was not a pathing issue smile.png


    I've extended your trial for an additional 48 hours to compensate for the issues you've experienced.




    V 1.10

    • Script will now only attempt to loot items within an 8 tile radius around you. This should stop the script getting stuck on the way back from a trip.
    • Added camera movement when activating the shrine to prevent the script from failing to activate when off screen.



    thanks man :). waiting for new updates to be pushed.  using 1.08 atm

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  2. Hey!


    thanks for the details !


    In point 2, does it log anything in the client console?


    I will take a look at the eating issue now, but i'm not really sure what causes the script to pause in the other situation. Also, I recommend using the fishing trawler bank as it is further away from ardy zoo! smile.png





    version 1.09

    • Script will no longer attempt to eat food while bank is open.



    Sorry did not take a pic of the client console. Are you referring to the logger?


    1. http://i.imgur.com/eboX1SD.png


    Bot got stuck here. when i stopped and check, it did not bring any unicorn horn, nor there was any horn put on the altar already.


    2. http://i.imgur.com/aEBPX2e.png


    Might be a similar problem to 1) , but this time it has unicorn horn on the altar already. 


    Realized that it might be pathing issues, i faced this a few times but i did not managed to capture it previously. 

  3. Firstly, this is a good script and i see a lot of potential in it. however i do not dare to run it without babysitting yet.


    1.  http://i.imgur.com/GhdZFQU.png


    If you finish a trip and your character is below 75% hit point, the script will withdraw food then it gets stuck (i reckon it is because the bot is trying to eat food while in bank mode). I got over this problem by withdrawing more amount of food so my character will always be above 75%.



    2. http://i.imgur.com/wv14kL5.png


    Do not know why it gets stuck here...



    Thanks for trial! Will monitor and post problems with my remaining hours.

  4. Sorry to hear that mate. I'd recommend Minotaurs on the first level to start, then flesh crawlers on the second level, then spiders on the third level.

    Isn't flesh crawlers a banning hotspot? Was thinking of alternatives like zombie/minotaurs(lvl28). I got banned while botting the lvl28 minotaurs. Think it was my fault cause i botted 3 accounts on the same ip and same place for 12 hours. Love your script though its flawless

  5. any advice on areas in the stronghold to bot? i want to get my stats up to 70/70/70 on my accounts. just got chained banned on all my 3 members accounts after only 1 day of botting yesterday..gonna give this another go with a new account.

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