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Newbie (1/10)



  1. 176 quest points, barrows gloves, fire cape, and dragon defender as well.
  2. What's the point of a defence pure? The only I see you could kill somebody is with the DFS charge.
  3. Why are you hiding the strength?
  4. i understand your pain, but maybe it's because you're an annoying little brat who can't explore for crap?
  5. It's a reddit joke. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/3d9c1m/when_mod_weath_leaves_for_a_couple_of_days/
  6. 91 champs, 22 skins, 4 rune pages Notable Skins: Victorious Sivir, Victorious Morgana, Grey Warwick Previously plat 1/diamond 5 mmr but decayed down to plat 4. Never been banned or restricted and I am the original owner. I will provide you the email and recovery information. I can pm you elophant link if you're interested in the exact skins. Give me an offer in 2007 gp or USD. Willing to use a middleman.
  7. molly's air orber -consistently gets stuck -stands in lumbridge if it dies -runs back and forth randomly
  8. Script is horribly broken and I feel like I've just been scammed of 9 dollars... Script owner seems to have no intention of helping me edit: i've posted a refund request, thank you for the help
  9. Bot runs back and forth at druids, never going past the gate. Not mirror mode. edit edit: also seems to break when dying, i found out that it was sitting at lumby for 6 hours
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