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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Shudsy

  1. is still still a problem?
  2. Scripters doesn't handle refunds.
  3. the world hopping method in the api might have changed. i'll take a look
  4. There's really no answer to this. Everyone acts differently. i cant just make it fight for the spot aslong as a regular human would do. Either you fight forever or you world hop.
  5. It might not be live today depending on when the script officer pushes the updates.
  6. I'll take a look at it. In the meantime, use the other spots. EDIT: fixed
  7. Select the "Do not show this again" yourself on the warning. This isn't a bug.
  8. Done. Let me know if the problems persists. If it still happens i'll probably add something so users can add their own time on it so regular users won't have any decrease in profits.
  9. Fix pushed for potions. Let me know if theres any problems.
  10. You mean the one where it clicks the spell and deselects it again while charging? It's based on a timer/animating and can happen due to lag. If it happens frequently i can increase it.
  11. CLI is currently not working and i suggest all users to start the script the normal way within the client. If there is any bugs, i need information relating what options were selected in the GUI, exact spots where scripts gets stuck, logger details and inventory pictures.
  12. Does it not work at all? Works fine for me. Did it fail to pot up after leveling up or something similar or did it not work from the start?
  13. Been busy lately with school but ready to solve anything you guys have for me. If any bugs reported is still happening please send me a PM with as many details as possible and i'll check them out.
  14. If the warning goes away before the "Do not show this" box shows up, world hop to make the warning appear again. after 3-4 times it should ask you if you dont want to see it again.
  15. Need a script logo for my newest script. Need it to be finished by tomorrow night. PM me if you can do this and i'll give some details and we'll discuss price.
  16. Clan wars option should be up and working now. Regular Glory option is awaiting fix and should be up soon!
  17. Solved. Pushing a fix now. I'll try to get alek to update it asap.
  18. What settings? And if using Clan wars, do you have Duel rings in your bank? Aswell as Duel ring(8) Does the logger say "Breaking enabled"?
  19. Pushed a fix for the latest bugs that people have been experiencing. Fixes made: The script now properly deathwalks when using the Clan wars option. The script will now check for the remaining time left before a break. If less than 3 min, it will stay in bank to avoid randomly breaking during a run. I can't do anything about the script getting stuck with bank open, as no one has been willing to provide me pictures and status of the bug in action.
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