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Blueorb Scripts

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Posts posted by Blueorb Scripts

  1. A very easy way to change your IP is to do some simple command line entries. Follow this guide for some help.


    For information on how to setup a VPN, there are a few guides since VPNs are quite expansive.


    VPN Guide 1 (FREE)

    VPN Guide 2 (PAID)



    Just note that essentially all VPNs have the power to log data. If you're just botting, don't worry about it. If you're logging into a bank account or something, I wouldn't be on the VPN at that time. Just be cautious as shit happens.

  2. I've always been aware that the best anti-ban a person can have is actually being there, watching the script do everything for you but talk. I also know the difference between sudo anti-bans and actual anti-bans. I know this following code is classified under a sudo anti-ban. I'd just like to get a understanding of what you guys think of it. Is it too much? Is it too little? Should I add to it; is it already overdoing it? For learning purposes, I've decompiled a few scripts to view what others do for anti-bans and I don't see anything such as this. getMouse().moveRadomly(); is a big one I see in a lot of scripts but nothing along the lines of what I have. I also see a lot of scripts that will check your stats but not as often as mine (which I do know that I should lower the amount of times it checks).

    sleep(### + random(###,###));
    sleep(### + random(####,####));
    sleep(### + random(###,###));

    [X] and [#] have been added to protect it from just being copied and pasted with the exact same numbers but you guys should get the point. It runs this every so often when the player is animating.



    Decompiling certain scripts; IE: Combat related scripts, makes me wonder that the activity in itself is in fact an anti-ban method since most "bots" don't typically do combat related activities. Jagex probably knows that this is false but when looking at someone's source (not naming names or scripts) the anti-ban is scarce or minimal. Perhaps it could just be because these scripts are in the local section and are there for that exact reason.


    I understand that being a new member trying to learn how to write these scripts and decompiling others may seem "skiddish" or "leach like" but I hope you all understand its only for learning purposes. I have no intent to re-skin and change some code around, just to redistribute it. If anyone is doing this they should be punished.


    I'm looking forward to all of your replies on this topic. I do not want to see what anti-bans some premium scripts may have, just the opinion of people who write premium scripts


    Thank you for your time.

  3. As far as other APIs are concerned, they are typically made to bridge the gap between no knowledge and full knowledge (at least mine is). There are a lot of things that OSBot's API does that it shouldn't do, for example:


    Will break your script if there is no "Dwarf" NPC. Little shameless self plug here, but my API allows this (eg no script breaking)


    What you might notice in the change between .NET to Java that there isn't as much type checking (ie you do a lot of default(type) in .NET for a lot of classes whereas you don't really in Java). You also have to use the .equals(object) method in Java, instead of using == in .NET. Lastly, Java tends to use methods for public modifiers (eg .getItem() vs .Item). Good luck!



    Ahh yes, you were the member I was referring to. I read your points against I think Alek about how yours is more useful or better in various cases. I be sure to take a look at after I learn more about Java which I start that class next semester and after I learn more about OSB's API. I've notice a few of Java's quirks; I already hate Eclipse. I would use another IDE but the college prefers us to use eclipse so I don't see why I would want to get settled in with another one in the event I need programming help from a teacher or fellow student.

  4. PlankerGUI gui = new PlankerGUI(this);
            try {
                while (gui.isVisible()) {
            }catch (InterruptedException e){

    Thank you very much, I'll look into this code after my homework. I've seen you around the script dev section a lot and have been following your progress. Greatly appreicated. I hope to join scripter II when I meet the prerequisites.


    Read about Java Swing and how to use its components.

    Will do. My room mate may actually know of this, hes taking game development and is in our programming II course in which the main language they teach in until progamming III is Java. I'll speak to him about this.




    depends what you wish to input.


    If it's a more complex set of variables which need adjusting before the script runs, you'll need a full gui which you design piece by piece with swing components. If you need just one (or maybe a couple) of variables changing for much more basic scripts, there are a few shortcuts.

    String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Title",
    				"Default option");

    when you run this code, the script will open an input dialogue box which awaits user input. Once the user presses ok, it will save the input to the string 's' (as u can see from the code).


    You can do this with ints too..


    If you need a more complicated gui like that of my rock crabs script:


    (somewhat outdated version but you get the idea)

    So ye, if you need something like that, I recommend you install the windowbuilderpro plugin for eclipse (if that's what you're using - if not then i'm sure you'll be able to find an equivalent plugin for your ide)


    You can install this plugin here (it will give you instructions on this page too: http://www.eclipse.org/windowbuilder/download.php )


    Once you have that, it will make your life 10x easier. All you need to do after that is build the gui and send the variables to the main class using an actionListener on a start jbutton (for example).


    let me know if you have any further questions and i'll be willing to help


    Your tutorial for learning how to begin writing scripts is actually where I started from and I cannot thank you enough. I actually didn't realize how easy a lot of this is due to the API. I've looked at another member's custom API like OSBot's, however opted out to focus on learning more about OSB's API. I've been building off your sample tea thiever and will be converting it to a node "framework" soon to be more efficient on lower end PCs. I'm using it as a base to learn off of and hopefully expand it to more than just tea thieving which my version mellows out at 6k XP/hour due to my massive delays I have in place. I don't need a complex GUI such as your rock crab script. Thats a bit overdoing it for a simple something like this. I plan to just have a check box to see if the user (me) wants to bank the tea at the cost of a lower XP/hour. This is just helping us produce our script we plan to release which more details will be available when it comes time.

    I've been programming in .NET for a while now so a GUI is easier to work with for me. Thank you all very much for your time. If anyone else wishes to contribute or add more resources, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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  5. I'm in need of assistance with my first script. I've been working on it for a week now and have been looking at a lot of the popular tutorials in the section. I have yet to find one that helps with a GUI. I've even looked at old scripts to see how some people may have done it; but found nothing.


    I'm not referring to paint, that I have and is done. I'd like a GUI to pop up before the script starts with settings and the such to allow the user to input what they want the script to do.


    All help is appreicated.

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