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  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrqYMUdY9ig&feature=youtu.be Lanterned a guy, he went in purple with the remainder of his bank.
  2. QUESTING <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 #thinkfirst 4 life.
  3. LOLOL all you guys mad because your game is dying and will be replaced with legacy. don't get me wrong, i prefer 07 over rs3 by far. but i don't want to play a game that's going to be replaced in a few months. PS:Reply again so i get another thread bump? thanks laddeh
  4. is that legit a question, BECAUSE 07 IS A DIEING GAME!!!!!!!!!!
  5. OP is using sky connection. Op has friends Op is your dad. yeah ik my mate didnt care so i didnt bother reuploading it.
  6. SIIIIICK SHOW so does your mothers tits. in all seriousness if you think im shit enough to buy a bond then go fake a single rare lure and upload it and spread it about just to make people think im good i pitty you. If it was a phat lure and i got called fake for it, fair enough. but faking lowers? XDXDXDXD
  7. no, but it acted as a failsafe, he had to drop the logs before getting back to his santa and that gave me time to gnomeball him. 5m for a santa is great IMO have fun playing a game that will be replaced by legacy mode in a few months !!!!!!
  8. so i was talking to a mate about luring and he mentioned lumberyard, till this day lumberyard was always a lure i passed by as I stuck to bridge peach and lantern. but after getting a rare first try (20minute convince) I think I should start doing this lure more often https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aU_Ispgli0
  9. luring clans are unknown now adays luring has gone underground after rs3. only known teams i can think of atm are teamhazard exile checkmate and maybe ta1 (not sure if ta1 really is known)
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