Bot is working, but requires another update.
Withdraw-x seems to be bugged once again - as it was last week, as well as the prayer selection on certain scripts. It'll error when trying to use protection prayers.
Swarm doesn't appear to be triggering a response other than stand still and let it attack, Pinball works, until you've finished, it'll not exit the event.
Beautiful paint, *TheSrub", Saving and Loading seems to work well, tried it a few times with several different NPCS. Also, attacking is a lot quicker, and smoother.
Only thing I hate is the "Eat to loot", Don't think it should be default, it'll just cause people using B2P to continuously loot bones and eat.
Going to be cheeky, and ask whether you'd plan to add guthan support, as well as teleporting at certain HP incase Guthans fails? Also prayer potion support/pray.