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  1. Less likely for them to find patterns and what not if you are or have played legit on it.
  2. Yeah, you won't get banned on the weekend but on Monday you might have a surprise waiting for you.
  3. I feel like Runescape 3 is becoming less and less popular among the players. Most of the old players have moved to Oldschool to get the game Runescape was supposed to be from the start. People are getting frustrated with the spins and other pay for XP crap and I think the only people still playing it are the ones still trying to go for 5.2b XP and don't want to throw away their years of progress. About Oldschool, hard to say. I think it might last for a long time as long as Jagex does what the community polls.
  4. Looks dope. Could see myself using most of those.
  5. There's people who've been botting with regular stealth injection for months or years. If they could detect it, that would have never been allowed to happen.
  6. Rottis

    client lag?

    If the client goes apeshit when you launch the script, there's 99% chance the script is broken. NullPointerException causes shit like that. Just a guess. Hit the console button top right corner and see what it says.
  7. Went over weekend just fine. On Monday got hit on 3 accounts.
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