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Everything posted by Royal234

  1. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis
  2. Royal234

    BETA v1.6.12

    Failure to load client as everyone stated above.
  3. Awesome work. Keep it up, you guys are the best.
  4. Umm no offense but I'm pretty sure there's no possible way to get 'stuck in the frog queen', regardless of whether you are into frogs or not. Anyway, keep up the great work Maxi. All the randoms I have encountered have worked 100% otherwise I'd be sending you details.
  5. I could be wrong but when I run multiple bots I encounter some serious memory leak. Not sure if that changes with multiple clients but it definitely goes up when am using multithreading.
  6. Yes, I actually just got this event a few days ago and I could be wrong but I don't think the client recognized it.
  7. The Pinball random keeps getting to 6 consecutive tags and then misclicks, and resets. I've been doing the random for about five minutes now and it keeps resetting. I've been cringing watching it EDIT: After about nine attempts I finally stopped the bot and did it manually. I'll try to get a video next time.
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