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  1. I'm looking for 100-500 lvl 3s with tutorial island done if you can get at least 100.
  2. Are these accounts fresh off tutorial island and sitting in lumby?
  3. Alright, so I've been a active osb user. But it has been about a year since I last used the client. When I go to the main OSB page, I go down to the bottom and click "Download Client" When I do it will start to download the file at the bottom download bar when it pops up... After that usually the folder will automatically open, but it does not. < aside from the main point Then... I will click open file in folder, it will pop up my downloads folder and I see it in there. But............... as soon as I click on the download client, it pops up another box where I would like to download it from. And the options are like internet explorer, or like paint, or my notepad or random things like that... Normally when i click on it in the folder, it should just unzip the folder and get to downloading right? Trying to figure out when I click on the osb client in my download folder, why does it not just start to download the file right away? Or download an unzip file and then download?
  4. Not paying a ridiculous amount for these, I know many people spam create 100's at a time. I haven't been on for a while, but I was getting lvl 3 accounts for 15-25k. I know they went up a little bit since, then... so looking for the cheapest. Need about 20-40 accounts. Anyone have?
  5. How much you selling each? Found some pretty cheap so...
  6. Umm like around 20-30 to start with... Hey DBuffed Thanks, looking to start up some farming again after 6 months :P
  7. Interested in buying bulk lvl 3s fresh off tutorial island. Lmk if youll do bulk deals.
  8. Topic. Looking to buy large amounts of level 3's, must have tutorial island completed. Not paying more than 100k per account. I know a few people sell them very cheap on here, thanks.
  9. I have a fresh account, level 50 combat. all skills are level 40, F2P ONLY skills.... never been members. So level 40 attack/strength/defense/range/magic/prayer/runecrafting/crafting/wc/fm/fishing/etc. All F2P quests are done besides prince ali rescue and sheild of arrav.
  10. Not at the moment, it may go down but there is no telling. I see other people selling at the same price, if not more. So price is firm for the moment.
  11. Never sold RSGP on here, but I'm a pretty active member. Have sold accounts on here, bought accounts, etc. Not too many trades, but good vouchers. Only accepting payments via PayPal. Prices will vary, currently selling at $1.39 per Mill. If interested, please leave the amount you would like to buy. I will pm you after asking for your Skype. Thanks.
  12. KNKS

    RIP bot farm

    To help give Muffin's some credit on this... I'll tell everyone the script I used to make the 200m was his cannonball and recoil scripts. So if anyone wants an awesome script, check his out and purchase them!
  13. KNKS

    RIP bot farm

    Of course! My VIP just ended last night, along with my last bot being banned. When I went to go transfer the 5m to my other account this morning, it was disabled which I knew I should of xfer'd it last night but I had a girl over which is better than RS lol. So no big deal about losing 5m, when I made 200m. My IP's just ended as of last night as well.
  14. Alright so I started botting about 2 months ago, have been running the bots everyday, ever since until last night. Made about 200m the past 2 months, running anywhere from 2-5 bots at a given time. My last bot got banned this morning, which actually went through 2 bonds, and lasted 28-30 days botting, everyday for about 6-14 hours a day. Which is very surprising considering most bots lasted me around 7-10 days. (all on fresh level 3s) It was fun, but 200m is enough for me and I'm now done! Plus "babysitting" them and having to check in every 6 or so hours, on top of constantly re supplying them just becomes a hassle and annoying. To me at least... Especially with working 2 full time jobs, but now I get to go back to actually playing RS. Also big shout out to Muffin's! His script's are the only ones I've been using. So go check them out! Good luck my fellow botters!
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