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Posts posted by jerkmal

  1. I didn't know that bans expire. 


    I have a vet account that was banned on pre eoc. It said that my ban expires in like 100 and something thousand hours... I got into post secondary by that time... but account isn't unbanned lol... fml fml

  2. Received a 2 day ban on my pure. I usually use the mirror client, but unfortunately I was using a not so great computer and could not get the mirror client to run smoothly so I decided fuck it ill use stealth injection. well I botted for about 5 hours on my pure half at the range guild and half at rock crabs. Tried to log on today and instantly connection lost and said the account was disabled. And I have NEVER had a problem using mirror client so it really does work. But do you guys think it is ok to still bot on this account safely using mirror client?

    was it czars range guild and apa rock crabs?

  3. OSBot has been through various face lifts since my time here and I think this change is something which will help new users embark on their botting journeys. Most notably the login system was moved to the booter and the logout functionality has been removed (you will stay logged in until you close the client). Another noticeable change is that individual account settings have been removed in favor for global settings that affect all your accounts. This means that when you tick "Dismiss all randoms", any account which you are logged into will dismiss randoms; break settings as well. 





    Although many of you won't notice the change (unless I screwed up something, but hey it's a dev build), the booter interface was the first interface to be stripped from the NetBeans GUI-maker. Auto-generated code bottlenecks a lot of development and design choices as well as creating a host of other issues. Most of our interface related issues/errors stem from NetBeans and hopefully over time I'll be able to rewrite all of the interfaces. The settings interface is most likely next up on the chopping block with a few new functional benefits in the work.



    -Booter stripped from NetBeans, re-written by hand

    -Removed Login system from client interface

    -Added login system to booter interface

    -Proxy saved to separate proxy file

    --Preliminary separation needed for proxy manager

    -Added new booter save file

    -Removed settings from RSAccount

    -Settings now placed as global variables that affect all accounts

    --Added new settings file

    -Re-wrote account manager

    -Added new account file


    -The OSBot Staff

    Keep up the great progress! This will be really cool!


    P.s can you fix up your kwarriors script :P <33

  4. Update!


    Version 1.31

    • Improved antiban by incorporating client's integrated antiban (optional). This rotates the camera around and moves the mouse randomly and things like that.

    This version should be available within the next few hours when the script manager pushes it live! smile.png


    Keep up the good work mr apa, your scripts are really good!


    Ps. you should change your name to just "apa"

  5. whats the ban rate?


    I don't have the script, but I'm just saying in general, you just gotta be lucky. Mod weath recently came back from vacation, and he hit the ban hammer on many many accounts. Personally I lost 2 miners total (one was 88 mining other was 62) 


    It's crazy. Just bot smart and know that your acc is at risk for anything.



  6. Yeah lots of people are gettings bans recently so it makes sense that hes back lol


    ik, it's hard to believe I got 88 mining still while he was gone

    my fisher is down too lol. I closed him at 11 pm at was banned this morning at 8 am lol I wasn't even playing on him xD WEATH IS BACKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

    yeah he banning all da bots

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