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  1. Looking to sell my my main since I'm starting a pvp account. There's no rush to the selling, if I don't agree with your bid there's no deal. 1. Pictures of the account stats 2. Pictures of the login details 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) Karamja Gloves 3, Morytania Legs 3, Prospector Chest 4. Pictures of the quests completed Note: Questpoints updated: 187 Desert Treasure, Lunar Diplomacy,Piety,Regicide, Karamja hard, Morytania hard, Monkey madness II - all unlocked 5. The price you will be starting bids at 100m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account - 150m 7. The methods of payment you are accepting - OSRS GP 8. Your trading conditions - Only trading trusted members, MM if needed 9. Pictures of the account status 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address I am the OO, never has somebody else accessed this account. I have never used any form of bot or script to train the stats.
  2. Kept training the account, new stats/gear!
  3. I was wondering how fast I would get banned autoclicking (with random intervals) while doing afk guthans in nightmare zone. The autoclicker would just click every now and then on the same pixel (because I'm not able to make it move) with a random interval. I have used an afk-script before which checked stats and such but the account got permabanned, but I've heard from friends that they have autoclicked alot and never received a ban? Does anyone have any experience with this kind of stuff? Or any recommended software that I should use? Thanks!
  4. Made a service thread once, admins didn't bother approving it or responding to any messages I sent them
  5. Haven't been selling alot on this website, might have to work on that tho
  6. With a few changes on my work schedule, I'm in need of a bit extra money so I was thinking about selling accounts. What sort of accounts are in high demand? And what skills will raise the price of an account? Thanks in advance!
  7. Just checking Account is: -NMZ ready - Skeletal wyvern ready -Done fremmenik isles -Full ranger void -Full graceful -Magic secateurs - Cooking gauntlets -Ectophial -Dragon defender -Pyromancer garb -Ava's accumulator - Did Monkey Madness Pt. I - Lunar spells unlocked Quests: (Total: 71 points) -Cook's assistand - Dragon Slayer -Ernest the chicken -The knight's sword -The restless ghost -Rune mysteries -Vampire slayer - Shield of Arrav -Animal magnetism - Death plateau -Druidic ritual -Dwarf cannon - Elemental Workshop Pt. I - Elemental Workshop Pt. II -Fairytale Pt. I -Fairytale Pt. II (untill secateurs) -Family crest (Cooking/Smithing gauntlets) -Fight arena -Fishing contest -The Fremennik isles -The Fremennik trials -Ghost ahoy -The grand tree - Jungle potion -Lost City - Lunar Diplomacy -Mountain daughter - Merlin's Crystal - Monkey Madness Pt. I -Nature spirit -Plague city -Priest in peril - Shilo Village -Recipe for disaster (cook and dwarf = rock cake,pirate pete) -Tree gnome village - Troll Romance - Troll stronghold -Waterfall quest - Enter the Abyss (access to abyss altars) Inventory: Skills:
  8. Looking to buy a wyvern account for a reasonable price from a trusted person (lots of feedback) Please post the price you're looking for here and add me on skype: thompson806 thanks
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