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  1. I have been informed the script has been fixed. Thanks everyone for your patience.
  2. There seems to be a problem with the wrong script being uploaded as 'Tonares Bronze Knives'. Have messaged the Script Manager should be resolved soon. Sorry for the late response I was not getting notifications properly!
  3. Tonare's Tanner (progress image is a few weeks old, working on a more recent one) Tans hides at Al Kharid. Features include: >1800 tans per hour Supports all hide types Gui and hideable paint Auto logs out when out of money or hide. Door detection. Looking to make this premium. Will likely cost $3.99 to avoid undercutting existing tanning scripts.
  4. I managed about a week straight before a ban. This was not on mirror mode though, so could be longer. Its on SDN now if you want to give it a crack but as Twin has pointed out it isn't very profitable if others are running at the same time.
  5. Hey, the truth hurts I can see your point. I was trying to come up with a counter argument but the fact that I can't says a lot about your statement. Ultimately I wanted to release a unique free script (that wasn't already on the SDN), and in doing so pave the way for a few scripts that I don't want to release for free. I'll reconsider the SDN application.
  6. Tonare's Bronze Knives (picture taken 3/8/2015) Buys bronze bars from Jiminua's store in Karamja, and smiths them into bronze knives at the nearby anvil. Does this until you run out of money. Features include: Avoids level 40~ jungle spiders Hops worlds if shop runs out of bars. Does not revisit the last 25 visited worlds. Has very long uptime. I ran this for a week straight without bans (3 hours on, 3 hours break, etc). Turns 100k into 2m (over 24hours). Requirements: Level 11 Combat, to make the level 5 snakes passive. Level 7 Smithing for bronze knives. Coins and hammer in inventory. Membership. Due to the nature of this script, it is best to only run one at a time. This ensures Jiminua's shop has enough bronze bars. Pending SDN release.
  7. I don't think SmartKeyboard would benefit much from what I have done.. I'll just post my class here in case you wanted to scrounge anything (or if anyone has the same problem I did). You'll see I stole your pressEnter method The point of AutoTalker is to spam a message, but I also needed to accept trade offers. Originally the script had to wait until it had finished typing before accepting the trade - which was a problem because it sometimes took >5 seconds to respond to people and they would lose interest. I used no loops so you can effectively type and do other tasks at the same time (such as trading other players in my case). And even if you go into a state where you aren't typing anything (trading screen), you can resume exactly where you left off. import java.util.ArrayList; import org.osbot.rs07.api.Keyboard; public class AutoTalker { private ArrayList<Character> messageArrayList; private char[] messageArray; public int messageIndex; private Keyboard keyboard; public AutoTalker(Keyboard kb) { messageIndex = 0; keyboard = kb; } public void talk() { if (keyboard.typeKey(messageArrayList.get(messageIndex))) { if (messageIndex == messageArrayList.size() -1) { pressEnter(); } messageIndex = (messageIndex + 1) % messageArrayList.size(); } } public void setMessage(String newMessage) { messageArrayList = new ArrayList<Character>(); messageArray = newMessage.toCharArray(); for (char ch : messageArray) { messageArrayList.add(ch); } } public boolean pressEnter() { keyboard.typeKey((char)13); keyboard.typeKey((char)10); return true; } } Its not much but I'm proud of it, gets the job done
  8. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I implemented SmartKeyboard but it was still a bit slow for my liking (although very good stuff in there). I ended up using some of the code to come up with my own solution. The text isn't instant but typing can be interrupted and will resume where it left off. Appreciate the help.
  9. Hey guys. I have been writing a script and one the the remaining issues is that typing is very slow. I was wondering if there was a way to increase the speed, or better yet make the text instant (like a macro would). Any comments would be appreciated. I am currently using the typeString method. private Keyboard kb; kb = getKeyboard(); kb.typeString(autoTalker.getMessage(), true); Cheers.
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