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Posts posted by Ganix

  1. Hey Czar, everything is running great except at the edgeville yews the bot won't open the door to run to the bank if it has been closed. It gets stuck here and won't woodcut or move any longer. And if in the bank when the door is shut then the bot won't run to the yews. 

  2. Starting at the Camelot tele, bot runs towards the bank, then clicks up towards the northern path, then it changes it's mind and decides to run into the bank. Once in the bank it stops for a couple seconds and then runs northwest towards the willows at which point it tabs back to Camelot and repeats all of the above.


    Edit: Noticed that the bot was indeed still on version 0.29 and not v0.31, so I guess maybe these problems are already fixed. However even after refreshing the scripts it appears v0.31 still isn't up yet.

  3. When coming back from the conveyor belt I'm noticing that the bot is spam clicking by the bank chest on the minimap. Is it supposed to be doing this? I'm not sure if that is a bug or intentional but I thought I'd just let you know. Other than that the script is working great!

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