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Posts posted by joniassassin

  1. Resume : I'm wondering how successful would it be to sell a varied softwares and useful stuff here for RS Gold.


    So, let me introduce a quick story of what this is all about. Since i was a kid, i was fascinated with what we can find in the right place, in the right forum, or with the right people... i remember when i first found out about torrent sites and i helped even local bands on installing and using audio softwares or, maybe an engineering software that they would not otherwise find or be able to work around the configuration or installation. That actually became a hobby, but i did notice after some years, with technology developing quicker and quicker, that you would not need torrents anymore, and that even really popular stuff have alternatives to get, sometimes cheaper, sometimes better; and so, what would cost let's say 10usd, suddenly is 5, or even less, and to find cheaper stuff or stuff that sometimes aren't even supposed to be known of. 

    Some good time ago this... hobby, got me in some good places that has some really nice stuff but, i am not a good seller whatsoever, so i usually get it for myself and maybe a friend or two, even though i tried (not here) to sell some stuff i thought it would become popular.

    Question is, maybe this hobby has to become something more as of now, and i wonder, if i would be able to actually do it and sell it here.


    Things that i would start with, since it is more popular:  

    - Cheaper Netflix / Spotify

    - .edu emails ( this has some really good perks)

    - Unlimited google drive

    - Microsoft products in general, office, windows,

    I don't think i'd be able to sell +18 sites, even though they're really cheap.



  2. Including 99 ranged, 94 magic, 93str, 181qp


    It has 6m bank, including Barrows glove, fire cape, dragon defender, torso, rune pouch, kbd head



    ps: yes, i know i can't sell accounts yet, i am just wondering what would be the price of thiss acc... for now :)

  3. Sometimes it clicks somewhere and if a rock falls, it doesn't click to mine it so it gets stuck 

    I'm also getting often stuck near the hopper; yesterday it got stuck beside the deposit box and i needed to click somewhere for it to go to the mining spot again

  4. 23 hours ago, joao cesar said:

    hey khal, i'm from brazil and i don't have an international credit card to pay the bot with dollars, so i had to add dollars to my paypal account via billet and the payment confirmation time is 2 - 3 days, for that i would like to ask you to release the KHAL MOTHERLODE, for 48 hours of free trial for me and after that time the dollars will already be in my account and I will buy the bot.

    thank you brother

    Cara, tu pode trocar gold do jogo por gift card aqui;  recomendo o script :)


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  5. Like, i'm a small fish, i'd say i sell 50-70m/month depending on the circumstances and my routine.

    But people keep coming back because of my customer service (i like to be really friendly), which as expected (i guess) created some.... problems.

    I have some really old customers, that bought some good 10+ times but, some delay payments, and when you talk to them, they keep saying stuff and still doesn't pay, lol

    I do trust that they will pay soon, it is not like i'm saying i got scammed because i sold gold in advance (which is stupid as it sounds, i know).

    Question is : What do you guys do when people don't pay you ? you report them to the place where the trade was placed ? [for example purposes, let's say this forum] 

    You don't trade the person in question anymore.



  6. I mean, do you have a random playlist that you feel most people would never even think of ?

    Do you go from Indie to some weird, absolute from the other side of the galaxy kind of music ? xD

    Me, personally, I have a really wide taste that covers basically every genre;

    I don't think I judge music by its genre, and hardly ever think of the artist as a person (like, it is hard to not hate Bieber and such but, usually, I don't see artist as a person), 

    I just embrace the music and feel it, I love when a DJ create such a build up that, when a melodic drop comes later on, everything feels just right and in place.

    Or when a deathcore band absolute annihilate the drum and wrecks the tempo with those breaks...

    To wrap up, I find it quite funny that in the same day, I listen to my ' let's burn churches ' kind of playlist and a 'girls power' quite as much haha

  7. Yes, that's absolutely right. I'm dedicating a whole post for my cellphone.

    I mean, i had lots of phones before this one and, this one isn't even a "premium" one... but it is the first phone that i bought, like, with my own money, with my own effort... the others before that were gifts or something like that, that didn't quite involved my money in the process... it's been some years, you see, im from brazil and here we only have shitphones...plus we're not a "first world" country, so this one that i bought from basically a china website was quite the upgrade . It's been 3 years if im not mistaken... i bought a new one that's already coming and, i am really thankful to everything this poor phone handled throught this time xD

    This is by no means an advertisement to the brand, i'm just glad i invested my money in this phone.. it went in a pool with me, it fell on the floor lots of times, usually when i was high on some rave or duper drunk on a party lol, and it never went to any kind of assistance ! xDDDD

    It is quite impressive the jump from a shitphone to one that takes good photos, that you can use an offline gps with legit high quality location service, i even have automated bill payment in it... i'm quite the technology addict, and i am feeling great about how things are in cellphones when i remember when it was hard to even find someone to send a message to...

    The new phone will come this week but i leave this farewell, to my first phone ( that i even played tons of runescape in it ! ), thanks for not dying and never fail me :D

  8. 1 minute ago, Malcolm said:

    Could just leave your number on her car. I knew a guy that did that once and it worked :doge:

    lmao.. oh well, :kappa: , 

    We were talking a lot to be honest, not just texting but, i called her and we talked for like a hour or something;

    I legit should've waited more, .-. 

  9. Just now, Muffins said:

    you use XD unironically no wonder she said no

    Again i like how this has nothing to do with my personal life :') ;

    I wonder if people *example* in shitpost groups has the same mentality in work, or in university ?

  10. 1 hour ago, Muffins said:

    thats literally what professional help is for

    Professional help is not needed because a girl said No to me ;

    As a writer, i basically use well, writing as an escapism, as a way to express how i'm feeling, which helps more than enough;

    It is not like im feeling suicidal, or depressive, it is just a bad feeling because of a frustrating experience, but life is life and sht happens...

  11. 1 hour ago, Hope said:

    Sure about that? I think writing a poem for her is pretty cute lol, did she not appreciate it at all? Or was it some kind of modern bullshit gucci gang type shit lol? One thing is, a lot of guys mis-read signs and feel that because they like a girl that she has to like them back, eventually, if they put the work in but sometimes it isn't like that.

    Way I see it, girls/women are normal human beings as well. Sometimes they are looking for someone other times not, just treat them like normal and be yourself. Even if you did rush into the poem if yall were getting to know each other she would appreciate it. Pretty sure she told you to slow down/rejected your approach because it was so sudden and you didn't wait for her feelings to develop. Not going to give you false hope but when I was a kid I managed to salvage a screw-up like that once. Just need to be normal, be yourself and she'll come around (if she feels the same way).


    Yeah i rushed xD,   Well, i guess i learned a lot to be honest; 

    But yeap, can't deny it was cute... was a hell of a good poem haha

    I need to learn to not be that much intense...

    3 minutes ago, nezbomb said:

    I did the same thing a couple years ago with a girl who was flirting with me in class, except I wrote a short song on guitar and played it, recorded it on my phone, and sent it to her on valentines day. She initially responded positively, but after that the flirting pretty much stopped and she made it somewhat clear that she wasn't interested (we were casually texting a bit before but she stopped sending texts/responding). It turned out that she just liked to flirt and wasn't really interested in a relationship, I wasn't really either, but the whole song thing really sent the wrong message. From my experience if a girl is already flirting with you, then you shouldn't need to try so hard to get her attention. 

    My advice for this situation: Unfortunately the way you described it I think you should just let it go, BUT there is honestly no harm in testing the waters, try just giving her a simple compliment and see how she responds. You could also just ask her if she wants to hang out, get coffee, go to a bar, get a smoothie, something specific down to the date and time. I would honestly try if possible to greet her in person, because you'd think that a rejection in person would be harsher than over a text message, but trust me, in the long run, it's the other way around. Not to mention she is far more likely to warm up to you if you go talk to her in person. 

    PRO TIP: Try to get her to do a favor for you. This is a little bit of a "life hack," but basically, people only do favors for people whom they like. If you have class with her, try asking her for a favor of any kind (in person). This can be something small like borrowing a pen, asking her to watch your stuff while you go, or anything. Literally anything, it doesn't matter, when I was in college I used to ask girls at parties if they could count down from 10 while I chugged wine from a bag. That would ACTUALLY work to get them interested in me, I kid you not. 

    Thanks... ye, i guess we won't be talking anymore though;

    i misunderstood what was happening... we were legit sync'd, even finishing what the other was talking.. same ideologies and sht...

    Funny, i get to see her pretty much everyday starting by tomorrow, will be embarrassing af xD

  12. 2 minutes ago, Muffins said:

    youre posting this on a runescape botting website seek professional help

    Im just opening myself...and the fact that this has nothing to do with my personal life actually helps a lot


    I'm in love with this girl, but i couldn't contain myself... when i love a girl, i legit act as a desperate person... so yet again i fucked up everything putting tons of pressure into something; 

    I'm feeling so bad, she is such a cool person... we were getting to know each other better, and i threw an idiotic poem for her, and basically its all gone... fk me lol

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