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Posts posted by Booch

  1. Both Injection/Reflection are detectable, the best thing you could possibly do noise/disturb runtime information sent to servers which in itself is saying, "I'm probably a bot but you can't prove it" kind of situation which isn't all to great anyway.


    The whole FUD ideas that are being thrown to the customers by many bots it's mostly bollocks and unfair to tell people who lack the knowledge to get the impression that they're undetectable. My general opinion is to give the customers best of both worlds, users to choose between reflection and injection. Bot farms will want to use injection anyway as they know their accounts lifespan is way too short and inefficient to use for reflection


    • Like 2
  2. The dungeon editor seems really solid, I made one a while back and hardly had as many features as yours does, might pick up something similar some time, game development(imo) is one of the hardest fields to program in, partially due to the fact that everyone has great ideas for games but then realise how hard it is to implement everything

  3. Finally it has been said.

    June 2013 has been a year and I still stick around.

    Veteran everywhere = registrered for a year being active on a daily/weekly base

    Veteran here = impossible to get unless you lucky joined in april or so and come back after a year and be active for a month



    Vouch, I did this and noticed it was a bit weird, was inactive for like 8~ months


  4. No problem, please send me some feedback.

    People do use Java. You're using this bot aren't you? Millions of people play Minecraft, have played Runescape, and others games that use Java. Browsing the web can make you a victim of a JDB attack.


    This bot is the last thing I'll use, I just lurk on the programming section of the forum for a laugh every now and then. Also, if you think your program will detect FUD Java Drive-By attacks you are heavily mistaken, people pay thousands for advanced Cryptos. I won't bother addressing the rest of your post

  5. You guys are forgetting that OP said 'simple client'. Nobody knows what he wants yet, he hasn't said anything other than that.


    Exactly, something I mentioned in my first post, "First we must clarify that the customer desires something more of a client rather than a bot". But he does not intend to pay upfront which is fishy and generally a waste of time if you already know what you're doing


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