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Lynx Titan

Trade With Caution
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About Lynx Titan

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  1. He was busy playing on his personal account, I could have told him to get off his ass and do services, he does stuff when he wants or when I say. Point is service woulda been started close to when I said I couldn't do it, as he was waking up within 20ish minutes. Feedback not deserved, as I had someone who could do It, and I told you that.
  2. You can clearly see we both do things, showing he's a worker. I don't need to post it on thread as he's not on Osbot, and I take full responsibility for his actions. So your feedback was false. And see, my other skype is that. as I said He's my worker and not on OSbot himself, therefore I'll take full responsibility for his actions since I trust him. Anywho, can we remove this feedback since I did clearly say my worker will do it?
  3. Alright, so 12m to finish lunars or I'm keeping smoke Battlestaff, 1.3m for that work is ridiculously cheap + You ddosed me Matt
  4. I didn't cancel, I said i'll finish lunars for 12m. And sure, he can PM me then. Dispute closed?
  5. I got banned for using a script that turned the camera, it was just a test but the account was called "i only stand" and it was banned after a week of standing in F2P, no mouse inputs only camera turning
  6. Edit: He just said "never ddosed anyone, that's illegal" yet showed proof of him saying "I'd do it anyways" Can we say dispute closed since he just lied?
  7. Disputed member: IP: IP's removed Thread Link: N/A Explanation: Wanted to join my service, so I told him to start some quests, he never pmed me on Osbot so You'll have to IP match. Then he dis-adds me and takes the 1m of items that was on the account, if possible could one of you mods IP match him and tell me his username please? He will ofc be banned either way. Evidence: https://gyazo.com/62042f0fad3495fc3443b39123278ec5 https://gyazo.com/562309822961721e0eb730769098a638
  8. https://gyazo.com/79ee844e0c3ab523cc41867ce8d525b0 Other Lynx Titan is my worker who does stuff for me so I did tell him. That wasn't 2 hours in, I had already gotten a slayer level and was telling him It can be continued by my worker.
  9. That someone else is someone who works for my service, so Anything i'm given they can be given.
  10. Disputed Member:[member=r1sky Why it should be removed: @Asuna I clearly told him my partner can do it, I said I couldn't, so the feedback should be removed. Details: N/a Link to topic: n/a
  11. 25-35m depending on the buyer.
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