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Posts posted by Porky

  1. I was truly disappointed, I got banned within a couple of hours on all accounts and I tell you what making 60 mage legit and combat on each to get destroyed like that, was a fucking rip off. Overall worst bots.

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  2. funniest thing... I paid for everything on here, vip premiums, low hours etc... BANNED ON EVERRRYY ACCOUNT WITHIN A DAY.


    I use another bot site... FREE SCRIPT, HIGH BAN RATE AND F2P, FLAGGED IP... no ban, on second week... sorry to say OSbot but I dont think itºs jagex, I think something with your bot that theyve detected, as only complains I see is on this site. Im quite disappointed after spending almost 50 dollars only to get ban hammered on 20 PLUS accounts.. to find out using a basic RUBBISH script else where doesnt get me banned when im hammering the hours in and its two weeks later.


    edit, thats 50 dollars I spent on here not including the vpsºs i bought, membership paid etc. not to mention most valuable thing, time.

  3. Hi Khal, are you going to add in the fire making task so this can be done solo? If not is there a way you can swap my blastfurnace auth and motherload into agility, its like half the price but I cant bot your BF, Iºve 20 accounts this last 2 weeks, 50 cmb, quests etc and all banned within 15 hours of BF, I cant even profit the cost of membership and other stuff needed. Ive done every method, even only 1000 bars, i wake up, banned.

  4. Hey.


    Right now I'm working on adding something to the bot to make everyone do at least one task. This will boost everyone's bars/h and profits. I'll see about adding the loading coke task.


    Are you using mirror client or normal one?


    I don't think spamming random shit like that will help you, it'll create a pattern that's easy to detect. for Jagex (imo). Also I'm pretty sure they can tell if you're using OSBuddy or not, after all the creator did work for JaGeX so they probably added a little something to not ban people who use it, thinking they're bots since it uses inject.


    Thanks smile.png


    thanks again and im using normal due to goldfarm but working well!


  5. Hey Khal, great script, very happy customer.


    Just some questions, because of the ban rate in world 58, is there any possibilities that you will be adding the fire making task to the bot anytime soon so I can do solo worlds?


    Also, Im a noob to this bot detection thing but ive noticed that theyre detecting bots due to the injections made? correct me if im wrong, but Rsbuddy also does injections right? and I see a shit tone of people always !lvl smithing - might be a good anti ban to once in a while get the bot to write similar things such as !price coal - could be a good diversion for the injections your scripts use?


    Ive been doing that on my bots now, and my ban rate has gone from high to moderate. Just a suggestion anyways, but thanks again for the great script.



  6. 5 accounts banned in 2 days using Khals furnace, not even live bans or reports as one for example was created today, legitimately got 30 smith, had skiller outfits etc, was talking here and there. When I came back on a different account to check which jmod appeared on a saturday night at 2am, people said theyve got automated banning now... should I stop using his scripts for now as I noticed a lot of khals got banned?

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