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Posts posted by Psvxe

  1. What I was wondering aswell. On another note though, I tried it and it works for me.


    Your method would make somewhat sense if you were making an api, seeing as you didnt pass a variable im assuming thats not the case, i'd use the snippet LoudPacks gave.


    If you are using it to make a universal method, try this.

    void dropAll(String itemName) {
    		if(!myPlayer().isAnimating()) {
    			for(Item i : getInventory().getItems()) {
    				if(i.getName() == itemName) i.interact("Drop"); //Would typically be your own drop method here

    Why would check within the method if player is animating and only drop if it isn't?

    Doesn't really make sense to me.

  2. I got it! 

    If you guys are interested, i'm willing to translate everything to english and publish it here. Could help some people who are learning basic Java.

    for(int i=0; i<questions.length; i++) {
                    group[i] = new ToggleGroup();
                    Label label = new Label((i+1) + questions[i]);
                    grid.add(label, 0, i);
                    agree[i] = new RadioButton("Agreed");
                    grid.add(agree[i], 1, i);
                    disagree[i] = new RadioButton("Disagree");
                    grid.add(disagree[i], 2, i);
                    no_opinion[i] = new RadioButton("No opinion");
                    grid.add(no_opinion[i], 3, i);
  3. Actually, I did some debugging myself for fun and I figured out that some names do have normal spaces, or more likely, they don't seem to be non-breaking spaces.


    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 09:45:02 AM]: Player : Lil Slurp = Lil Slurp
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 09:45:02 AM]: Player : king ammar x = king ammar x
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 09:45:02 AM]: Player : 66�Atlas�998 = 66�Atlas�998
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 09:45:02 AM]: Player : Item�Robber = Item�Robber
    Something is different, no clue what.



    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : Stanklin Stanklin
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : EpezuWnBnoob EpezuWnBnoob
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : NatusVincere NatusVincere
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : JollyJJoker JollyJJoker
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : Kitten_Dance Kitten_Dance
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : king ammar x king ammar x
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : Inneva Inneva
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : Erza Kagura Erza Kagura
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : SG Editz SG Editz
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : Lil Slurp Lil Slurp
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : mag3king6424 mag3king6424
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : 39�Bork�Roc 39 Bork Roc
    [INFO][Bot #1][03/30 10:01:06 AM]: Player : 54ancient428 54ancient428
    Done with the following code

    for (Player player : ctx.players.getAll()) {
                if (player != null) {
                    String orginal_name = player.getName().replaceAll("\\u00A0", " ");
                    ctx.log("Player : " + player.getName() + " " + orginal_name);
    Good luck.
  4. I did create a similar framework.

    I'm not quite sure if I understand you right however.

    Do you mean you want to add / pause / remove tasks / nodes on conditions from any other task you're running at the moment?

    If so, I can help you.

  5. Thanks for the help!

    Would you suggest I define my WebWalkEvents at the top of my script as public (where i have them in the above source) or should i define them right before I call them?

    You should define it before you call them, yes. I have my own framework so I did it different. However, don't do it like the guy above me said. That sucks.

    Send me a pm if you need help.

  6. // Declare two constants for width and height of the GUI
    final int GUI_WIDTH = 350, GUI_HEIGHT = 75;
    // Get the size of the screen
    Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    // Calculating x and y coordinates
    final int gX = (int) (screenSize.getWidth() / 2) - (GUI_WIDTH / 2);
    final int gY = (int) (screenSize.getHeight() / 2) - (GUI_HEIGHT / 2);
    Or to set a size to exactly your liking

    gui#setSize(int width, int heigth) //size of the gui;
    gui#setLocationRelativeTo(null); //centers the gui
    Nice guide, will help the noobs. good job! biggrin.png
    • Like 1
  7. Shit code, didn't know how to do it too first and this was my first try on it. Here you go. I dumped all item prices using this


    	public static TreeMap<Integer, Integer> dump_map = new TreeMap<Integer, Integer>();
    	public static HashMap<Integer, Integer> current_item_map = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    	 * @param itemId
    	 * @return price of the item
    	public static int getPrice(int itemId) {
    		try {
    			URL url = new URL("https://api.rsbuddy.com/grandExchange?a=guidePrice&i=" + itemId);
    			try (BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream()))) {
    				String line = reader.readLine();
    				return line == null ? -1 : Integer.parseInt(line.substring(11, line.indexOf(',')));
    			} catch (IOException e) {
    		} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
    		return -1;
    	 * @param val
    	 * @throws IOException
    	public static void getItems() throws IOException {
    		int count = 0;
    		try {
    			FileReader in = new FileReader(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Dump.txt");
    			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in);
    			String line = br.readLine();
    			while (line != null) {
    				line = br.readLine();
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    	 * @param id
    	 * @return priceFromFile
    	public static Integer getPriceFromFile(int id) {
    		try {
    			FileReader in = new FileReader(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Dump.txt");
    			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(in);
    			String line = br.readLine();
    			while (line != null && !line.contains(Integer.toString(id))) {
    				line = br.readLine();
    			String content = line.substring(line.lastIndexOf(' ') + 1);
    			System.out.println(id + " >" + Integer.parseInt(content) + "<");
    			return line.lastIndexOf(Integer.parseInt(content));
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    		return -1;
    	 * @param val
    	 * @return Text file with items from @param.
    	public static void grabItems(int val) {
    		for (int i = 1; i < 13193; i++) {
    			try {
    				File file = new File(System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Dump.txt");
    				if (!file.exists()) {
    				FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(file.getAbsoluteFile(), true);
    				BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw);
    				while (getPrice(i) < val) {
    				System.out.println(i + " Value: " + getPrice(i));
    				bw.write(i + " " + getPrice(i));
    			} catch (IOException e) {
    	 * @return all items into a treeMap.
    	public static void toTreeMap() {
    		String filePath = System.getProperty("user.home") + "/Dump.txt";
    		try {
    			String line;
    			BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(filePath));
    			while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    				String[] parts = line.split(" ", 2);
    				if (parts.length >= 2) {
    					int key = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]);
    					int value = Integer.parseInt(parts[1]);
    					dump_map.put(key, value);
    					System.out.println(dump_map.put(key, value));
    				} else {
    					System.out.println("Ingoring line.");
    		} catch (IOException e) {
    	public static void getKeys() {
    		Set<Integer> keys = dump_map.keySet();
    	public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> entriesSortedByValues(Map<K, V> map) {
    		SortedSet<Map.Entry<K, V>> sortedEntries = new TreeSet<Map.Entry<K, V>>(new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>() {
    			public int compare(Map.Entry<K, V> e1, Map.Entry<K, V> e2) {
    				int res = e1.getValue().compareTo(e2.getValue());
    				return res != 0 ? res : 1;
    		return sortedEntries;
    	public static void getHighestValue() {
    		for (Entry<Integer, Integer> entry : entriesSortedByValues(dump_map)) {
    			System.out.println(entry.getKey() + ":" + entry.getValue());
    EDIT: yeah. It's shit but works. If I were you I wouldn't use it in my script.
  8. Well if you do


    WebWalkEvent evt = new WebWalkEvent(Manager.routeFinder, new Position(1500, 1700, 0), new Position(1000, 1000, 0), new Position(2222,2222,0);
    it will stop at any of the destinations you specified, (1500,1700) (1000,1000) and (2222,2222). If you want to walk from A to B passing some waypoints you could just execute multiple WWevents, one for each waypoint right? Another option might be to change the costs for waypoints, similar to how it's done for avoidproxy which basically sets the cost to 999999 for specific nodes, you could try to set it to a small or negative value. Not sure if this would work tho...

    Yeah, I just figured that out since I found out the javadocs are back online. haha

    Using different WebWalkEvent for just walking to one end-coordinate feels messy.

    I could try the last option you gave me though. No clue if that will work.

  9. There's api.webwalk.impl.AvoidProxy which you can use to avoid certain areas. MGI posted this as an example:


    INodeRouteFinder finder = INodeRouteFinder.createAdvanced();
    for (INodeScript script : finder.scripts()) {
        finder.add(new AvoidProxy(script, true, BLOCK_AREA_1, BLOCK_AREA_2));

    Thanks, this will solve the current issue for now I have!

    However, I still would like to know if my question is possible. Since I had to bypass a certain situation a while back because of the above stated question, too. I can't use areas to solve that.

  10. Searched around but couldn't find the right answer. Perhaps I just didn't notice it but I think my question isn't asked at all.

    Please let me explain the problem I have.


    I need to walk to a coordinate. The fastest route is trough a dangerous zone (red dots) and the safe route (green dots) is a bit longer.

    Now it will simply walk to the end-coordinate (purple dot) trough the dangerous zone and I don't want that.

    What I did try is to something like


    WebWalkEvent evt = new WebWalkEvent(Manager.routeFinder, new Position(1500, 1700, 0), new Position(1000, 1000, 0), new Position(2222,2222,0);
    However it wouldn't walk any further than when it reached the first coordinate I set (1500, 1700, 0).

    Any solutions without setting pre-defined paths?

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