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Posts posted by asleepbro

  1. Banned using this one aswell, seems to be a few other members reporting bans from czars scripts. Almost reached my goal, but it looks like it might be time for a big overhaul to get jagex off this.

  2. I noticed that last night while running the script my pure got down to it's last food and kept attacking them until it hit 1 hp and i had to manually tele tab to camelot for it.

    Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, this is the only problem i have faced the script is otherwise perfect.

    2x30 hour sessions without troubles.


    Never had this issue but with many combat bots its always best to use a ring of life or something similar as a fail safe if you are wearing valuable gear.

  3. alright, does it manage to fix itself?


    Just done it again, nope it just stands there unless i manually move it.

    It moved to that spot then drank a potion while standing there. Then stayed there until it got logged out for being afk, logged back in and stayed there.


    Heres the console if it helps



  4. Just done it again now, I have to manually click back towards crabs and it will continue. Just a side note, it does this even when crabs are still aggro so it shouldn't even be attempting to reset.


    This is where it stands




  5. Been having this issue the last few days, very often usually everey 20 minutes or so it will just run east and stand by the cave entrance. Or it will walk north and just stand in the trees, sometimes it will walk back to the crabs but then immediately walk back out with crabs attacking repeating this again and again.


    It says this in console whenever is does it:

    [DEBUG][bot #1][05/27 08:57:50 PM]: / Need to run out

    [DEBUG][bot #1][05/27 08:57:51 PM]: / Setting the runout false from loop
  6. Anyone else having the issue of the script not talking to competition judge?


    edit: nvm problem corrected itself after a couple of client restarts

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