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Posts posted by glyron

  1. If you're not banned on Monday, 99.9% sure you'll be fine. Just wait till then to see.

    Alright sweet, I mean, the account is not even that good, highest skill is 50 cooking, I could easily make a new account and get it to where I was with the other. Waiting till monday is exp waste.

  2. Hey peeps!


    So I have a question.....

    I am about to turn legit on my main and i'm not sure if its safe. I've been botting for the past 2 days, 1-3hrs max  2x a day or so. With massive breaks ( no botting during sleep). This was a scripts that Insolate made for me really quick. I was basically drinking jugs of wines at different banks every botting time. No mirror client aswell.


    So now I finally have 1.4m and ready to buy a membership bond. But I'm not sure if I will get banned for doing some quick botting to get that cash. I don't want to buy the bond, get mem and then later on get banned...I would be super mad!

    I don't know how to change my IP and I have been perma banned 2-4 days ago ( cant remember exactly ) on my previous main.



    tl;dr = I botted very safely with massive breaks for 2 days to be able to purchase a bond. Should I transfer the bond to another account to make sure I'm safe from any late bans that Fagex will give me?






  3. Are you sure you're putting it into the right osbot scripts folder? Most likely its not a problem with the scripts as they work fine with others. You probably are putting it in the wrong location etc. 



  4. Hello everyone,


    This is my first post so take it easy :)


    Yesterday I was botting some tanning, only for half an hour in Al Kharid on a level 4. In only 30 minutes, I got banned for my first ever in runescape. I was in a world with 2 more people. This is not a big deal, but it gave me a huge shock.


    Now here is where it really starts....


    I just came home after a shit day at school, I login to OSBOT hoping to get my mains cooking to 99. What do I see next?


    Your account has been disabled.



    This was my 10 year old main account that I started when I was just a little kiddo, runescape was my childhood believe it or not and that account was the one I've always had. Last night I logged into RS3 with it to see my stats there ( I've been back for like a week after quitting for 1 year), I saw my bank and o my god, I had the biggest nostalgia, i cried a little tbh ;) hehe.


    Anyways, so today it got banned. Weird because most bans make people log out, but I was at GE just chilling late till night and it was logged out all the time I came home.....someone probably reported me.. :/


    Also, my other account which was a pker got banned......




    R.I.P 10 Year Old Main



    - Glyron

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